On this page, students will find all the respective current information about module enrolment at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science. The study coordinators support you with organisational questions regarding the planning of studies and teaching, especially regarding module enrolment. Our staff are available to answer your questions in person during office hours and by telephone and email outside office hours.

enlarge the image: Here is an iconic image of the module enrollment system website, so called TOOL.
With the help of TOOL, students at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science can enroll in modules electronically. Photo: Sebastian Heinisch

TOOL VS. AlmaWeb

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... ist das Online-Portal für die Moduleinschreibung. Über TOOL erfolgt die Anmeldung zu den Modulen der Wirtschaftswissenschaft­lichen Fakultät. Für alle weiteren Schritte nutzen Sie das zentrale Studienportal AlmaWeb.

To the TOOL online portal

When do I use TOOL?

Here is an iconic image of the module enrollment system website, so called TOOL.
find out more
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... ist das zentrale Studienportal an der Universität Leipzig und begleitet Sie auf allen Etappen Ihres Studiums. Sie nutzen AlmaWeb unter anderem zum Einsehen der Modulbelegung, zur Modulabmeldung, für Prüfungsinformationen und Prüfungsergebnisse.

To the AlmaWeb online portal

When do I use AlmaWeb?

find out more

Module Enrolment - How, Where and When?

The registration for the modules of the Faculty of Economics and Management Science via the TOOL platform commences in the winter semester of 2023/24 on Tuesday, 01 October 2024, 12:00 noon and ends on Wednesday, 08 October 2024, 5:00 p.m.

In TOOL you will be guided step by step and with help texts through the module enrolment.

  • The compulsory modules are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis (i.e. you are awarded your place in the module immediately) There are a sufficient number of places available for students of the Faculty of Economics and Management Science.
  • The elective compulsory and elective modules of the Faculty of Economics and Management Science are allocated via an allocation procedure, taking into account the priorities set. This means that the module places are only distributed following the enrolment period.
  • During the enrolment period, you can change or delete the modules you have been assigned. If you remove the tick from a module that has already been set, you deselect the module again.

The Module and event registration also simultaneously constitutes the examination registration. Attendance alone in a module or course does not constitute entitlement to take the module examination.

If you have already taken a module once and have not yet completed it (due to illness, failed exams or an absence-5), you will not be able to register for a module:

  • Case of illness: You will be automatically registered by the Study Office for the next possible  examination date.
  • Case of failed examination/Absence-5: You register independently in AlmaWeb  for the resit examination in the period from 16 November 2024 (8 a.m) until 14 December 2024.

Please observe the further information on resit examinations and corresponding deadlines, especially in the Corona Semester.  

Find out more 

There is a separate registration procedure on the TOOL platform for signing up for inter-faculty key qualifications (KQ modules). All information on the procedure can be found in the central instructions for enrolment in the modules of the inter-faculty key qualifications.

All the KQ modules as well as the additional notices can be found in the Course catalogue in the menu item inter-faculty key qualifications (KQ) in the respective semester.

The taking of inter-faculty key qualifications is only intended for Bachelor students.

You can take modules at other faculties on the basis of subject cooperation agreements.

Please refer to the overview of the modules offered by other faculties to find out which modules are intended for your degree programme and how to register for them.

Modules offered by other faculties (summER semester)

Further information can be found on the websites of the respective Faculties. Please refer to the central Course cataloguefor information on course times and rooms.

Master's students have the option of taking further Master's modules at other faculties in the elective area. Please contact the respective faculty to find out whether and how you can take modules.

Please see the special enrolment instructions for how and when the module enrolment of the Second subject for students of Business Education and Management Training takes place.

Students from other faculties can take modules at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science on the basis of subject cooperation agreements.

Please refer to the overview of the modules offered by other faculties to find out which modules are intended for your degree programme and how to register for them. The limited module places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Module offer for Bachelor students of other faculties (SummER semester)

Module offer for Master/ Diploma/ State exam students of other faculties (summeR semester)

You can find the event times and rooms in the Course catalogue.

Important in advance: You cannot register for modules via Tool/AlmaWeb! Please send an email with your module requests to Mr. Dr. Pradel. For modules that require a term paper, project work, presentation or oral examination, you must obtain the lecturer's approval in advance. Please also contact Dr Pradel if you have any questions about this.

Further information can be found here.

Special enrolment instructions

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Please note:

Enrolment in the modules of the second subject takes place at the faculty offering the second subject. Please refer to the overview of second subjects for information on how and when enrolment takes place (only in German).

Overview second subjects

Bachelor and Master Business Education (teaching profession)

Module enrolment in the second subject

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Please note:

The enrolment in the KQ modules 30-SPZ-EWIRTB2 (level B2) and 30-SPZ-EWIRTC1 (level C1) commences on Tuesday, 01 October 2024, 12:00 noon until 08 October 2024, 5 p.m via the TOOL platform. Enrolment is on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited.


Bachelor in Economics and Management Science

Inter-faculty Key Qualification (KQ) English in Business


The module enrolment has been completed – What's next for me?

The results of the module allocation are expected to be published from Friday, 11 October 2024 in the TOOL .

The module registrations (for modules of the Faculty of Economics and Management Science) are expected to be imported from TOOL into AlmaWeb . You can find information on your registered modules in AlmaWeb under the menu item Registration status.

Registrations for modules of other faculties (also for key qualification modules) may only be imported into AlmaWeb later in the semester. Until then, you will find your module registration in TOOL.  


By means of the successful module registration you are already registered for the examination (for the first attempt).

You can only deregister from a module (= deregister from an examination) yourself via AlmaWeb up to and including 10 January 2025, 11:59 pm.

Click-by-click guide Module deregistration
PDF 407 KB

Please note the different regulations/deadline for examinations that take place before the start of the examination period. Further information can be found in the respective valid examination regulations §5 paragraph 4.


For a late registration for the modules of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, please register directly in the Late Registration Portal.

(Please note: Registration in the Late Registration Portal is merely an expression of interest in a module place. It is not a guarantee of obtaining a place on the module. The decision on the allocation of succession places is made by the professors responsible for the module).

Please note that late registration for the modules of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences is only possible via the succession portal.

Modules for which there is no advanced procedure are also listed. If your desired module is not displayed at all in the portal, please check in the course catalogue whether it is offered at all and then please enquire at the professorship offering the module.

Please observe the following notices:

  • Master modules may only be taken by Master's students.
  • In the case of modules Mathematics for Economics and Management Science I and Civil Law and Public Law for Economics registration on the Late Registration portal is sufficient. Only students in whose degree programme these modules are compulsory can obtain a place here.

If you have to repeat an exam in a module because you were absent for the first exam due to illness or without excuse, or if you failed it, you are still registered for that module. This means that you cannot register for it again in TOOL. You are also not allowed to register for this module in the late registration procedure. Please enquire with the professorship offering the module whether and how you can participate in the courses of the module again.


Do not forget to register for the repeat examination in good time!

  • You were ill for the examination → the Study Office automatically registers you for the next possible examination date.
  • You have failed the exam or received an Absence 5 notice → You must register independently in AlmaWeb for the resit exam in the period from 16 November (8 a.m.) 2024 to 14 December 2024.

Further details on registering for or deregistering from examinations in the first/second or third attempt can be found under Examination Matters.

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