On this page you will find information and notices on all matters relevant to examinations, the most important dates of the academic year as well as documents and forms that are important for your studies. The information applies to all module examinations of the Faculty of Economics and Management Science. The Examination Management staff are available to answer your questions or concerns in person during office hours and also by telephone and email outside office hours. Please also observe our current notices in the display cabinet on site in the Study Office.

enlarge the image: Students during the examination. Photo: Colourbox
Students during the examination. Photo: Colourbox

General examination matters

At the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, written and electronic presence examinations usually take place in the first three weeks after the end of the lecture period (see Academic Calendar). This primarily includes the dates for the examinations. The announcement of the provisional dates usually takes place twelve weeks before the end of the lecture period here on this page. This also applies to the repeat examinations, i.e. the repeat examinations are usually offered in the examination period of the following semester.

You want to register for the First attempt in one of the Bachelor's or Master's examinations at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science?

When you register for a module via AlmaWeb/TOOL, you are also automatically registered for the examinations of the corresponding module. A separate examination registration is not required. Exceptions:

  • Exchange students should please register by  via the Mentoring system.
  • Guest students are automatically registered for the examination upon approval of the guest student application, provided they have applied and are eligible to take the exam.

You want to deregister from the First attempt in one of the Bachelor's or Master's examinations at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science?

The examination deregistration (= Module deregistration) is possible as follows:

  • For students of the Economics and Management Science Faculty as well as other faculties in the period from (probably) until 11 January 2025 (11.59 pm)* via AlmaWeb (Click instructions)
  • Exchange students should please deregister by  via the Mentoring system.
  • Guest students can deregister after registering for an examination by sending an email to Mrs Umlang (Bachelor) or Mrs Weber-Jusin (Master) by 11 January 2025 (11.59 pm)*.

*Subject to change (as at: 6 September 2024)

Different deadlines apply to the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Business Education and Management Training! Please observe the notices concerning Module enrolment.

You want to register/deregister for the Second attempt (=1st Resit examination) in one of the Bachelor's or Master's examinations at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science?

The registration for the second examination is possible in the period from

16 November 2024 (8.00 am) until 14 December 2024 (11.59 pm).

  • It is performed for students of the Faculty of Economics and Management Science and other faculties via AlmaWeb(Click instruction)
  • Guest and exchange students should please register by email with Mrs Umlang (Bachelor) or  (Master).

Provided that the one-year deadline for taking the second attempt has not yet expired, it is possible to deregister from the examination until 11 January 2025 (11.59 pm)* as follows:

  • For students of the Faculty of Economics and Management Science and other faculties by means of the submission of the Form or the binding cancellation of resit examinations by 11 January 2025 (11.59 pm)* at the latest to the Examination Management during office hours or by email from the university email address to Mrs Umlang (Bachelor) or  (Master). (Please send the completed, signed and scanned form).
  • Guest and exchange students should please deregister by email with Mrs Umlang (Bachelor) or  (Master).

You can see whether the first, second or third attempt has been made in the respective examination in AlmaWeb by clicking on "Studies", then on "Exams", then on "Module results" and finally on the far right on "Exams".

*Subject to change (as at: 6 September 2024)

You want to register for the Third attempt (=2nd Resit examination) in one of the examinations at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science?

Please note that from the winter semester 2023/24 there will be no additional application for a third attempt (2nd repeat exam) in most degree programs and registration via AlmaWeb is sufficient. Exception: In the Bachelor's degree in Business Education and Management Training and Master's degree in Business Education and Management Training (PO 2015) and in the teaching degree subject area Business and Administration, it is still necessary to apply informally for admission to the third attempt separately to the application below. Please submit the informal written application with your signature to the Office of Student Affairs by 15. November 2024 at the latest.

Examination registration for the second attempt is possible in the period from 16. November 2024 (8.00 am) until 14. December 2024 (11:59 pm). It is performed

  • for students of the Faculty of Economics and Management Science and other faculties via AlmaWeb (Click instruction),
  • For guest students and exchange students please send an Email to Mrs Umlang (Bachelor) and  (Master).

You can see whether the first, second or third attempt has been made in the respective examination in AlmaWeb by clicking on "Studies", then on "Exams", then on "Module results" and finally on the far right on "Exams".

Please note that the third attempt (2nd Resit examination) must be taken at the next possible examination data (as a rule in the following semester)! A further resit examination – extending beyond the 2nd resit - is not permitted. Deregistration from the third examination attempt is not possible

According to Section 4 paragraph 2 of the examination regulations (ER), the

  • 1. Resit examinations must be taken within a year and
  • 2. Resit examinations at the next possible examination date (usually in the following semester)

Following the expiry of these deadlines, the module examination is deemed to have been definitively failed in accordance with Section 4 paragraph 2 sentence 2 ER. In the case of compulsory modules, the final examination is then also definitively failed in accordance with section 15 paragraph 1 sentence 2 ER and the degree programme is therefore terminated.Therefore, please be sure to observe the aforementioned deadlines for taking the supplementary and repeat examinations

1. Missed module registration

You can find information on the move-up procedure and the allocation of remaining places under Module enrolment. As soon as the late registration procedure has been completed, it is no longer possible to register for a module.

2. Missed examination registration

Since there is sufficient time for exam registration and the same procedural conditions apply to all students, application for a subsequent registration must always be rejected.

In serious exceptional cases, this principle may be deviated from. The student must prove that the failure to meet the registration deadline was not his/her fault (e.g. due to prolonged illness, hospitalisation, death in the family, etc.). An informal written application must be submitted to the Examination Committee without delay, enclosing the appropriate evidence (e.g. hospital discharge report) and submitted to the Study Office/Examination Management team.

The legal consequences of Section 4 Paragraph 2 of the Examination Regulations apply to non-compliance with deadlines for resit examinations.

To declare your withdrawal from examinations at the Faculty of Management Science and Economics and to prove your inability to take the examination due to illness, you should generally use the form "Simple certificate of incapacity to take the examination" provided.

You cannot take part in an examination, term paper, seminar paper or other examination for health reasons? Then you must declare your withdrawal immediately and, as a rule, submit the original form "Simple certificate of incapacity to take the examination" immediately after the start of the inability to take the examination (but at the latest on the fourth working day) to the Study Office. To do so, please use either during the opening hours of the study office the letterbox in front of room I 111 (Institute building, Grimmaische Str. 12, 04109 Leipzig) or the deadline letterbox (entrance area of Goethestraße 6, 04109 Leipzig) of Leipzig University or send us the certificate by post (Universität Leipzig, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Studienbüro, IPF 170021, 04081 Leipzig), whereby the postmark is decisive for meeting the deadline. As a rule, the medical certificate included in the certificate must be issued no later than on the day of the examination or the deadline for submission. 

If there is sufficient factual evidence to assume that you are probably fit to take the examination, proof may be requested in the form of a qualified medical certificate and, in cases of doubt, an official medical certificate. In such cases, the examination board will ask you to use the “Qualified certificate of incapacity to take the examination” form provided. The same deadlines apply as described above. This certificate must describe the health impairment (for example, reference to pain) and indicate the resulting reduction in the ability to perform in the examination (for example, impairment of the ability to concentrate).

Should you have taken an examination despite having submitted the Certificate of incapacity to take the examination form, the certificate loses its exempting effect for this and all subsequent examinations.

Please note that other regulations may apply to examinations at other faculties or institutions and inform yourself there.

A certificate of incapacity for work (electronically or in hard copy) is neither sufficient nor necessary.

In the case of a retaking of the examination due to illness automatic registration will be performed by the Study Office for the next possible date. A separate registration is not required.

Deregistration of a resitting of the examination due to illness is not possible.

Caution! Registration for the resitting of an examination due to illness does not fall under the regulation on examination registration for the second or third attempt

Due to a decision by the examination board, only the calculators listed in a list are permitted as aids in the presence examinations of the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, unless the responsible examiners make other arrangements. The list contains 23 different calculator models with all basic scientific and trigonometric functions in different price levels. As a rule, examinees may only use these calculators in future, provided that calculators are permitted as aids in the examination in question and the responsible examiners do not make any other arrangements. If students use a different model in the attendance examinations, this can be considered as the use of unauthorised aids and thus as an attempt at cheating.

The grades of the examination performances are published in AlmaWeb by the examiners following their correction and evaluation.  If you notice irregularities or your examination result is missing, contact your Bachelor's or Master's examination manager directly. Please refrain from making enquiries about the receipt of the grades and the processing status.

As a student, you can view your overview of grades in the AlmaWeb study portal. If you are a student on a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences and need an official overview of grades or a provisional transcript of records, for example for application purposes, this document can be provided. To do so, please send a corresponding e-mail from your university e-mail address to Ms Kortenhof (Bachelor) or Ms Weber-Jusin (Master). As a rule, the Transcript of Records will then be made available to you within one to two working days in AlmaWeb under the menu item Documents. Students of other faculties should contact their respective study office. Teacher training students should contact the Central Examination Office for Teacher Training Programmes.

A positive decision according to Section 48 of Germany's Federal Education Assistance Act (BAföG) can be issued in accordance with the specifications of the examination board if the usual achievements in the degree programme have been made by the end of the 3rd, 4th or 5th Subject semester.

To this end the student must have attained

  • at the end of the 3rd subject semester 60 credit points (applies to Bachelor and Master) or rather
  • at the end of the 4th subject semester 80 credit points (applies only to Bachelor) or rather
  • at the end of the 5th subject semester 100 credit points (applies only to Bachelor).

Please also note that the deadlines for submitting the certificate of achievement will be extended accordingly in the event of a pandemic-related extension of the standard period of study and that it will not be necessary to issue the certificate until later. Please inform yourself about this on the website of the BAföG Office.

The certificate of achievement according to § 48 BAföG is available on request via study portal AlmaWeb. To do so, please send an corresponding e-mail from your university e-mail address to Ms Umlang (Bachelor) or Ms Weber-Jusin (Master). As a rule, the certificate of achievement will then be made available to you within one to two working days in AlmaWeb under the menu item Documents. You then submit this certificate of achievement to the Office for Educational Support.

Please note that as of 1 October 2021 we will no longer issue form 5, but that the above-mentioned certificate of achievement will replace form 5.

This regulation applies to all Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes of the Faculty of Economic Sciences. Students in the teacher training programme for vocational schools should contact the Central Examination Office for Teacher Training Programmes. Students from other faculties should contact their respective study office.

According to Section 14 Paragraph 1 of the Examination Regulations, the Bachelor's or Master's examination is passed when the required course work has been completed, the module examinations and the Bachelor's or Master's examination have been passed.

Upon passing the Bachelor's or Master's examination, no further modules from the compulsory elective, elective or key qualification area can be taken. The provision of additional credits or an exchange of modules of the aforementioned type are only possible in the course of the degree programme. Upon the completion of all required performances according to Section 26 of the Examination Regulations, the final documents are issued. Please inform your exam manager when your last achievement has been completed. To do so, please send an corresponding e-mail from your university e-mail address to Ms Umlang (Bachelor) or Ms Weber-Jusin (Master).

Examination matters Bachelor and Teaching Degree

Examination rooms and times of the Bachelor examinations February 2025

Please find the examination rooms and times of the Bachelor examinations in the winter semester 2024/25 at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science in this overview
PDF 443 KB
. (Status: 30 January 2025).

If you have any questions, please contact the examination manager responsible for you, Mrs. Nadine Umlang.

  1. In principle the Bachelor’s thesis is regulated in Section 19 of the examination regulations for the Bachelor’s degree programmes in Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Economic and Management Science), Wirtschaftsinformatik (Information Systems), Wirtschaftspädagogik (Business Education and Management Training). Please read the paragraph of the examination regulations first. The most recent versions can be found on the homepage of the Study Office under Study documents.

  2. The Bachelor thesis can be applied for at the beginning of the 5th Subject semester in the study office/from the examination management team with proof of at least 100 credit points (at least 120 credit points in the Bachelor's degree programme in Economics and Management Science).

  3. The application for the Bachelor's thesis must be made on the form "Antrag auf Ausgabe eines Themas für die Bachelorarbeit" (Application for Bachelor’s thesis), stating the desired professor. For this purpose, you should first approach the potential supervisors and coordinate with them the desired topic and the desired start date of the thesis. Once this agreement has been reached, the form provided should be completed and signed by both parties without delay. This can be done using a digital signature in the PDF programme (not in the browser). If you do not have a digital signature, it is also possible to insert a scanned image of your personal signature in the relevant form field using the appropriate PDF programme (e.g. with Adobe Acrobat Reader: menu Sign, Add signature, Select image). The completed form will then be sent by the professorship to the study office.

    Form – Application for Bachelor’s thesis

  4. If the form is received in the study office/examination management, it will be processed there. Subsequently, you and the professorship will receive back the form filled out in the section below. In this form, the latest possible deadline for the submission of the Bachelor thesis and the supervisor are recorded. The processing time for the bachelor thesis is 23 weeks. An extension of the processing time is subject to §§ 19 Paragraph 3 Clause 3, 4 Paragraph 6 Clause 1 of the respective examination regulations.

  5. The return of the topic of the Bachelor thesis is only permitted once and only within two weeks after issue. It must be performed in the Study Office/Examination Management team office. 

  6. The Bachelor's thesis must be submitted electronically via AlmaWeb by the deadline. A printed version is not required. Please be sure to follow the instructions in the click guide:

    Click Guide Electronic Thesis Submission

    Please prepare the cover sheet of the Bachelor thesis according to the template provided.

    Cover sheet of the Bachelor’s thesis

  7. In accordance with § 19 paragraph 6 of the examination regulations, a declaration of independence must be attached to the Bachelor's thesis. Please sign this either using a qualified digital signature or by hand and integrate the declaration into the PDF file of the Bachelor's thesis.

    Declaration of Independence

  8. The Bachelor's thesis is usually assessed by two examiners within six weeks.

  9. At the student's request, the time allowed for the completion may be extended by the Examination Committee for reasons beyond the student's control, usually by up to four weeks, on the basis of a statement by the supervisor.

  10. If you have any questions regarding the Bachelor’s thesis, please contact the Study Office/Examination Management team or the respective chair in good time.

Grades of passed module examinations can be converted into ungraded  module achievements to the extent of up to 10 credit points from the compulsory/compulsory elective area upon written application to the Examination Management team.  This means that either one module with 10 credit points or two modules with 5 credit points each (compulsory and elective modules possible) fall out of the grade calculation for the grade of your Bachelor examination. Your credit points will be retained. The grade of the Bachelor thesis cannot be revoked.

The conversion shall only be performed following a written application to the Examination Management team. Should you wish the grade(s) to be converted, send an informal application to Ms Umlang immediately after the grade announcement of your last (!) module examination in the degree programme (after 5 working days at the latest). Later applications can no longer be considered.

Examination matters Master Degree

Examination rooms and times of the Master examinations January/February 2025

Please find the examination rooms and times of the Master examinations in the winter semester 2024/25 at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science in this overview
. (Status: 6 February 2025).

If you have any questions, please contact the examination manager responsible for you, Mrs. Weber-Jusin.

Allocation process, organization, procedure

  1. ­In principle, the Master's thesis is regulated in Section 19 of the Examination Regulations for the Master's degree programmes in Management Science, Economics, Business Education and Management Training and Information Systems, Joint International Master’s Programme in Sustainable Development and Master International Energy Economics and Business Administration. Please read the paragraph of the examination regulations first. The most recent versions can be found here.

  2. The Master's thesis is written as an individual or group work during the course of study, usually in the third or fourth semester, and must be applied for in the Study Office/from the examination management team. It is not necessary to attain a certain number of credit points.

  3. The application for the Master's thesis is must be performed using the form "Antrag auf Ausgabe eines Themas für die Masterarbeit" (Application for Master's thesis), stating the desired professor. For this purpose, you should first approach the potential supervisors and coordinate with them the desired topic and the desired start date of the thesis. Once this agreement has been reached, the form provided should be completed and signed by both parties without delay. This can be done using a digital signature in the PDF programme (not in the browser). If you do not have a digital signature, it is also possible to insert a scanned image of your personal signature in the relevant form field using the appropriate PDF programme (e.g. with Adobe Acrobat Reader: menu Sign, Add signature, Select image). The completed form will then be sent by the professorship to the study office.

    Form "Application for Master’s thesis" Master’s Degree Programmes in Management Science/Information Systems/Joint Master/MIEEBA

    Form "Application for Master’s thesis" Master’s degree programme in Economics

    Form "Application for Master’s thesis" Master’s degree programme in Business Education and Management Training

  4. In this context, Section 20 (5) of the examination regulations for the designation of the specialisation requires that the Master's thesis is thematically related to the chosen subject-specific or vocational field-specific specialisation. However, there is no right under examination law to one of the named supervisors or a specific topic.

  5. If the form is received in the study office/examination management, it will be processed there. Subsequently, you and the professorship will receive back the form filled out in the section below. In this form, the latest possible deadline for the submission of the Master's thesis and the supervisor are recorded. The time allowed for the completion of the Master's thesis is 23 weeks. An extension of the time allowed for the completion is subject to Section 19 (3) sentence 3, Section 4 (6) sentence 1 of the respective examination regulations.

  6. The return of the topic of the Master’s thesis is only permitted once and only within two weeks after issue. It must be performed in the Study Office/Examination Management team office.

  7. In the consecutive Master's degree programmes (Management Science, Economics, Business Informatics, Business Education), the Master's thesis must be submitted electronically via AlmaWeb by the deadline. A printed version is not required. Please be sure to follow the instructions in the click guide:

    Click Guide Electronic Thesis Submission

    In the postgraduate Master's degree programmes Joint International Master's Programme in Sustainable Development and Master International Energy Economics and Business Administration, the Master's thesis must be submitted in due time in printed, bound form at least twice (in the Joint Master's three times) as well as once in electronic form (on CD or USB stick in PDF format) to the study office/examination management and will be passed on to the Chair by the latter.

    Please prepare the cover sheet of the Master’s thesis according to the template provided:

    Cover sheet of the Master’s thesis

  8. According to Section 19 (6) of the examination regulations, a declaration of independence must be attached to the Master's thesis. Please use the following template for the electronic version:

    Declaration of Independence (electronic version)

    In the case of the printed versions to be submitted, the declaration of independence must be attached to each copy and, in accordance with Section 19 (7) of the Examination Regulations, it must be confirmed that the electronic version corresponds to the printed version. An additional copy of this declaration must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs/Examination Management for retention in the file when submitting the printed version of the Master's thesis (as a supplementary sheet). Please use the following template for the printed version:

    Declaration of independence (printed copies)

  9. The Master’s thesis is usually assessed by two examiners within six weeks. You shall be informed by email about the receipt of the reports by the Study Office/Examination Management as well as your grade.

  10. At the student's request, the time allowed for the completion may be extended by the Examination Committee for reasons beyond the student's control, usually by up to six weeks, on the basis of a statement by the supervisor.

  11. If you have any questions regarding the Master’s thesis, please contact the Study Office/Examination Management team or the respective chair in good time.

You can hand in your thesis in person during our office hours or submit it via the central deadline letterbox (entrance area of Goethestraße 6, 04109 Leipzig) of Leipzig University, indicating the recipient below.

If the document is too thick for an envelope or if you are not in Leipzig, you can send the thesis directly by post to the Study Office at the following address:

Universität Leipzig (Leipzig University)
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (Faculty of Economics and Management Science)
Studienbüro (Study Office)

IPF 170021, 04081 Leipzig (Postal address for letters)

Ritterstr. 24, 04109 Leipzig (postal address packages). 
Theses should be sent by registered mail or as a parcel so that it is possible to track the shipment. The date of the stamp is the key thing with respect to the observation of the deadline. Following the receipt of the thesis, you will receive a corresponding confirmation sent to your university email address.

Master's thesis in degree programmes with an area of specialisation (Management Science & Business Education and Management Training)

In implementation of Section 20 Paragraph 5 of the Examination Regulations for the Master's Degree Programme in Management Science and comparable stipulations in other Examination Regulations, the Examination Committee decided in its meeting on 13 July 2011 (see Minutes of 25 July 2011, Item 4.3, p. 4):

Due to the fact the examination regulations refer to a thematic affiliation of the Master's thesis to the respective area of specialisation, the Master's thesis cannot be bound a priori to a certain supervisor. However, the person responsible for the degree programme or one of the module supervisors for the compulsory modules of the area of specialisation chosen by the student must be consulted and agree before a final topic is set by a supervisor who is not involved in the compulsory modules of the area of specialisation.

If your degree programme does not provide for an area of specialisation or if you write within your area of specialisation (Business Education and Management Training & Management Science), you do not need a second signature on Form 1.

Master's thesis in degree programmes with an area of specialisation (Economics)

If you would like to embark on an area of specialisation in the Master's programme in Economics in accordance with Section 26 Paragraph 4 et. seqq. of the Examination Regulations, the preparation of a Master's thesis corresponding to the area of specialisation is required for this. Have the person responsible for the degree programme check whether the thematic assignment applies. You should also consult this person if you would like to write your Master's thesis in another degree programme (e.g. Information Systems).

If you do not embark on an area of specialisation or write in economics, a second signature on form 1 is not required.

Within the standard period of study (four semesters), you have the opportunity to change your area of specialisation once in the Master's degree programme in Management Science.

  • As early as possible, the area of specialisation can be changed before  the module enrolment of the second semester.
  • The last possible change date is before  the module enrolment of the fourth semester.

The Form for the change of the area of specialisation must be submitted at the latest three working days before the start of module enrolment at the end of the previous semester (i.e. at the end of the first or the end of the third semester)!

This procedure applies equally to the change from one to no area of specialisation as well as to the reverse case.

Application for a change of the area of specialisation


Certificate of incapacity to take the examination


Change of area of specialisation in M.Sc. Management Science


Application Bachelor's thesis


Bachelor thesis templates


Master's thesis in BWL, WINF, Joint Master, MIEEBA


Master’s thesis for the degree programme in Economics


Master’s thesis Business Education and Management Training


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