The main focus of publications is beeing on the identification of innovation possibilities inside Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) worldwide, their growth potentials as well as new concepts for promoting and generating positive multiplier effects on their business environments.
The research acitivities of the SEPT Competence Center are concerned with questions of relevant models and processes of development in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in both industrialized as well as developing and emerging countries. Please find below our main publication of the past years.
Main Publications
Boafo, C.; U. Dornberger, S. Y. Kusi
International Student Mobility and SME International Growth Orientation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the Mediating Role of International Knowledge Transfer. In: Wehner, R.; Emin Akçaoğlu (Eds.): Social Entrepreneurship for Innovation, Value Creation, and Economic Growth, Würzburg International Business Forum - 7th International Business Conference, Conference Proceedings, 23 - 24 May 2024.
Boafo, C.; U. Dornberger
Knowledge Transfer From Business Schools to Firms Through Academics: An AMO Perspective in an Emerging Economy. In: Thunderbird International Business Review, 2024; 0:1–25.
Kassberg, G.; U. Dornberger
German VET Providers’ International Business Models and the Critical Factors for Entering Foreign Markets. In: Gessler, M.; O. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, et al. (2024) (Eds.): Expanding Horizons. Research on the Internationalization of Vocational Education and Training, Springer VS Wiesbaden.
Alam, Md. N.; I. Masroor, Md. N. U Nabi, U. Dornberger
Unveiling the Synergy: Entrepreneurial Effectuation and Alliance-Driven SME Diversification. In: Review of International Business and Strategy, 04 Jun 2024.
Phuong Nguyen Thi, Thanh Tuan Nguyen, Utz Dornberger, Linh Thai D Huynh, Van Thanh T. Tran
Roles of Internationalization in Developing Vocational Education & Training in Vietnam: Challenges and Opportunities from Experts’ and VET Institutions’ Point of View in Times of Multiple Crisis. In: N. D. Nguyen and P. T. T. Hong (Eds.) (2024): Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Emerging Challenges: Smart Business and Digital Economy 2023 (ICECH 2023), Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research 274.
Zhang, Y.
Entrepreneurial decision-making: An overlooked determinate of China’s export growth? Doctoral Thesis, Leipzig University.
Yrigoyen, I.
The Effects of Public Innovation Policies on the Micro-Level Behavioral Foundations to Innovate in Peruvian Micro and Small Enterprises: A Mixed-Method and Quasi-Experimental Study. Doctoral Thesis, Leipzig University.
Anwar, A.; C. F. Mang, S. Plaza
Remittances and inequality: A meta-analytic investigation. In: The World Economy, 2024;00:1-42, 26 February 2024.
Anh, N. T. M.; N. H. Giang, N. T. X. Hoa
Factors affecting entrepreneurial intention of Higher Diploma students in Hanoi (Vietnam). In: Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental, Miami, Volume18, No. 7.
Khalida, A.; A. Anwar
Pro-environment consumer behaviour and electric vehicle adoptions: a comparative regional meta-analysis. In: Applied Economics, 1-25.
Boafo, C.
University-Business Linkage and International Business Competence: Insights from Ghana. Doctoral Thesis, Leipzig University.
Al-Mannaei, M.; Odeh Al-Jayyousi, Asif Mahmood, Utz Dornberger, Noor Al-Jayousi
Evaluating innovation performance for financial technology within the national innovation system: A case study of the Kingdom of Bahrain. In: Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 2023, Vol.11, No. 2.
Adam, S., H. Annala, A. Bastian, M. Karlsson, T. Nevalainen, J. Tuominen, V. Vuorinen, K. Wójcik, P. Wołejsza, D. Mozyrska, N. Pappas
TeC – Towards E-Coaching: The First Step to Build Trust with a Digital Coach. Leipzig University. Research Project under Erasmus + Programme, Bialystok University of Technology, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Technical University of Crete, Leipzig University.
Bermúdez-Serrano, I. M.; R. Llauradó, U. Dornberger
Example of Business Plan for Producers. In: Grasso, S.; M. Bordiga (Eds.): Edible Insects Processing for Food and Feed. From Startups to Mass Production. Taylor & Francis Ltd, CRC Press.
Ribeiro, A. B.; P. Barriga Ortiz
Towards sustainability: Reframing aspirational consumption and development via indigenous lenses. In: weltweltneuvermessung, Sept. 2023.
Rinaldi, B; U. Dornberger
Export Plan Development for Market Entry of Indonesian Agri-Food SMEs to Germany: Proposed Framework of Methods and Tools. SEPT Working Paper Series - Technical Paper, No. 30, January 2023.
Contreras, F.; U. Dornberger
Sustainable Entrepreneurship as a Field of Knowledge: Analyzing the Global South. In: Sustainability 2023, 15(1), 31.
Ansari, A.
The Role of Intermediary Services in Enhancing Technology Absorptive Capacity of Firms - Case Study Iranian Automobile SMEs. Doctoral Thesis, Leipzig University.
Oppong Kwarteng, P.
Analysing Entrepreneurial Competencies, Formal and Informal institutions in SMEs internationalization: A Study of Small exporting Firms in Ghana. Doctoral Thesis, Leipzig University.
Berrones-Flemmig, C.; F. Contreras, U. Dornberger (Eds.)
Business in the 21st Century: A Sustainable Approach. Emerald Publishing.
Boafo, C.; U. Dornberger
Informal born regional enterprises in Ghana: an extension of internationalisation theories. In: Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 47, No. 4, 2022.
S. M. Misbauddin; M. N. U. Nabi, U. Dornberger
Analysing the Factors Influencing the Internationalisation of Social Entrepreneurship: A Study of Internationalised Social Businesses from Bangladesh. In: Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2022.2143868
Ponce-Gómez, J. E; A. Vara-Horna, A. Valenciano-Mañé, U. Dornberger
Effects of intimate partner violence against women in international micro and small enterprises relationships: The mediator role of capabilities. In: Frontiers in Psychology, 04 October 2022.
Boafo, C.; A. Catanzaro; U. Dornberger
International entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa: inter-firm coordination and local economy dynamics in the informal economy. In: Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Emerald Publishing, 2022.
Contreras, F., J. C. Espinosa, U. Dornberger
Innovational Leadership: A new construct and validation of a scale to measure it. In: Estudios Gerenciales, 38(163), 151-160.
Nabi, M. N. U.; S. M. Misbauddin, U. Dornberger
Downgrading as a strategy from the suppliers’ perspective in global value chain: towards a conceptual framework and directions for future research. In: Transnational Corporations Review, Taylor & Francis, April 2022.
Kassberg, G.; U. Dornberger
Perception of export intenders on relevant resources and competences for the internationalization of vocational education and training (VET) providers. In: International Journal of Training and Development, 1–23.
Boafo, C.; R. A. Owusu, K. Guiderdoni-Jourdain
Understanding internationalization of informal African firms through a network perspective. In: International Small Business Journal, SAGE Publishing, 2022.
Anwar, A.; I. Iwasaki; U. Dornberger
Investment Motives in Africa: What Does the Meta-Analytic Review Tell? In: Journal of African Economies, Oxford University Press, 2022, 1-53.
Haider, M.; A. Anwar
The prevalence of telework under Covid-19 in Canada. In: Information Technology & People, ISSN: 0959-3845, 10 March 2022.
Barriga, P.
Materialism and nature connectedness: an assessment of the relationship to well-being. Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V.
Barriga, P.
Is there life after economic growth? A look from the well-being perspective might indicate that yes. Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V.
Barriga, P.
Gibt es ein Leben nach dem Wirtschaftswachstum? Ein Blick aus der Wohlfühlperspektive könnte darauf hindeuten, ja. Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V.
Anwar, A.; I. Iwasaki
The Finance-Growth Nexus in Asia: A Meta-Analytic Approach. CEI Working Paper Series No. 2022-3
August 2022.
Anwar, A.; I. Iwasaki
The Finance-Growth Nexus in the Middle East and Africa: A Comparative Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Finance and Economics, July 2022.
Anwar, A.; C. Mang
Do remittances cause Dutch Disease? A meta-analytic review. In: Applied Economics, 54 (36), 4131-4153.
Anwar, A.; I. Iwasaki
Institutions and FDI from BRICS countries: A meta-analytic review. In: Empirical Economics. 61 (6), 1-47.
SEPT Competence Center (Ed.)
Anthology Alumni Conference: Forstering University Business Collaboration for Employment Promotion. Leipzig, 19-21 September 2022.
Kappel, R.
Africa's Employment Challenges. The Ever-Widening Gaps. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, 2021.
Nguyen, T.; U. Dornberger
Guidelines for SME Supplier Selection and Development: The Practice of SMEs in Information Technology Outsorcing Sector. SEPT Working Paper Series No. 29 (Technical Paper), Leipzig University, 2021.
Wołejsza, P., U. Dornberger, C. Scheffler, K. Kanelidou, C. Hauke, J. Koszelew, H. Ioakovaki, M. Lekakou, E. Stefanidaki, T. Tchemisova, N. Martins, M. Pita, A. Daniel, M. Kopczyński., B. Wiśnicki, I. Cacao
Academic Business Coach Handbook, Szczecin, Maritime University of Szczecin, 2021, ISBN - 978-83-64434-36-5.
Boafo, C.
Business Relationships in an Enterprise Cluster of Informal Artisans in Ghana. In: R.A. Owusu, R. Hinson, O. Adeola, & N. Oguji, Business-to-Business Marketing: How to Understand and Succeed in Business Marketing in an Emerging Africa. Productivity Press, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, New York, NY, United States. ISBN 9780367201470
Peña-Camacho, D.; J. Ponce-Gómez; G. Kaßberg
International Entrepreneurship. In: Vandor, P.; M. Winkler; M. Mehrwald (Eds.) (2021): Scaling impact abroad: An analysis and framework of competences for social enterprise internationalisation. WU Vienna. pp.10-17.
Dornberger, U.
Dynamics of Internationalization in Eastern German Technology-oriented SMEs. In: Stiehler, S. (Ed.): Marketing as a Social Science: Festschrift für Universitätsprofessor Dr. Dr. h.c. Helge Löbler, Norderstedt 2020, Books on Demand.
Ansari Vaghef, A.; U. Dornberger
How Do Intermediary Organizations Support SMEs to Enhance their Absorptive Capacity?. VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, 36(5E). DOI: 10.25073/2588-1108/vnueab.4456.
Contreras, F.; F. Juarez, Y. A. Cuero Acosta, U. Dornberger, et al.
Critical factors for innovative work behaviour in Latin American firms: Test of an exploratory model, Cogent Business & Management, 7:1.
Bermudez-Serrano, I. M.
Challenges and opportunities for the development of an edible insect food industry in Latin America, Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 6(5), 2020.
Nájera, J.; U. Dornberger
Innovating through Neuroeconomics: An Example of a Living Case Approach in Management Education. SEPT Working Paper Series No. 28 (Technical Paper), Leipzig University, 2020.
Valenciano-Mañé, A.
"Hacer negocio". Mujeres, crisis y economía moral en el mercado de SEMU, Malabo. In: Aranzadi Martínez, Juan; Álvarez Chillida, Gonzalo: Guinea Ecuatorial (des) conocida. Lo que sabemos, ignoramos, inventamos y deformamos acerca de su pasado y su presente. Madrid, 2020.
Valenciano-Mañé, A.; S. Castillo
Women in Equatorial Guinea. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia, African History. Oxford University Press.
Friebel, P.; A. Ansari Vaghef, U. Dornberger
Mehr als „nur“ Wissenspartner - Hochschulpartner in ihrer Rolle als Fach-, Prozess- und Beziehungspromotor bei Internationalisierungsvorhaben der Aus- und Weiterbildung im Projekt Iran Innovates (IRI). In: DLR Projektträger Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Arbeitsgruppe „Internationalisierung der Berufsbildung“ (Hg.): Berufsbildung International. Rolle der Forschung in internationalen Berufsbildungsprojekten, Bonn, 2020.
Kaßberg, G.; U. Dornberger
Hochschulen als Partner bei der Entwicklung international tragfähiger Geschäftsmodelle. In: DLR Projektträger Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Arbeitsgruppe „Internationalisierung der Berufsbildung“ (Hg.): Berufsbildung International. Rolle der Forschung in internationalen Berufsbildungsprojekten, Bonn, 2020.
Md. Nur Alam; U. Dornberger
Does institutional inefficiency encourage entrepreneurs to adopt effectuation logic in strategic business decision? In: World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2019, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp.734 – 750.
Oppong, P. K.
Informal institutions and international performance of Ghanaian small exporting firms: moderation role of formal institutions. International Journal of Export Marketing, 2019 Vol.3 No.2, pp.119 - 145.
Kaßberg, G.
Bildungswirtschaft - eigene Einschätzung: Bin ich Export-kompetent? In: EXPORT - Das iMOVE-Exportmagazin, 4. Jahrgang, Heft 1/2019, Juni 2019, Hrsg. Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB).
Zhang, Y.; U. Dornberger
What Are the Determinants of China’s Export Growth? A Systematic Review of Chinese Literature (1997-2016). Chinese Business Review, 18(2), 47-67. doi: 10.17265/1537-1506/2019.02.001.
Misbauddin, S.; M. N. U. Nabi
Internationalization of Social Business: Toward a Comprehensive Conceptual Understanding. In: Dana, L. and Ratten, V. (Ed.): Societal Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Friebel, P.; A. Ansari, T. Hecker
Innovation in der Berufsbildung - Weiterbildung zum Industrial Change Agent im Iran. In: DLR Projektträger, Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Arbeitsgruppe "Internationalisierung der Berufsbildung" (Ed.): Berufsbildung International. Geschäftsmodellentwicklung, Bonn.
Kaßberg, G.; S. Roth-Berlin, K.-O. Döbber, C. Lorenz
Aufbau einer unternehmensnahen Fachschule in Vietnam. In: DLR Projektträger, Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Arbeitsgruppe "Internationalisierung der Berufsbildung" (Ed.): Berufsbildung International. Geschäftsmodellentwicklung, Bonn.
Torres Zárate, O. A.; U. Dornberger
Promotion of Alternative Income Diversification in Rural Rio de Janeiro: Making Use of Innovation Resources. In: Nehren, U. et al. (Eds.): Strategies and Tools for a Sustainable Rural Rio de Janeiro, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Berrones-Flemmig, C.; O. Mauroner
Understanding social entrepreneurship in developing countries – A multiple case study from Mexico, International Journal of Business and Globalisation (IJBG), 22(3), 389-418, DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2019.099301.
Berrones-Flemmig, C.; F. Contreras, Y. Cuero Angel, U. Dornberger
Finding an equilibrium between seeking-profit and Work-Life-Balance: The challenge of entrepreneurs within their SMEs. In: D. Ochnik (Eds.). Selflessness in Business (pp. 3-14). Delaware, USA and Malaga, Spain: Vernon Press.
Valenciano-Mañé, A.
When the big ones abandon the market: morals and politics of price in Equatorial Guinea”. In: Orlando, G. and Luetchfort, P. (Eds.): The Politics and Ethics of the Just Price: Ethnographies of Market Exchange. Research in Economic Anthropology, Emerald. pp.49-70.
Andoh, R. C.; C. Berrones-Flemmig, U. Dornberger, U.
Ghanaian Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Germany: Motivations and Contributions for Development. Problemy Zarzadzania, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management, vol. 81(81), pages 130-158.
Oppong, P. K.; U. Dornberger. U., M. N. U. Nabi
Analysing the Direct and Indirect Effects of Entrepreneurial Competencies on International Market Diversification and Profitability: A Study of Small Exporting Firms in Ghana' Int J. Export Marketing: Vol. 3. No. 1.
Zhang, Y.; U. Dornberger
Explore Entrepreneur´s personal very first export decision based on bounded rationality. In O. Dvouletý, M. Lukeš, & J. Mísař (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (pp. 1052-1064). Prague: Faculty of Business Administration, University of Economics Prague.
Vershiyi, B. C.; C. Berrones-Flemmig, U. Dornberger
Hitting Two Targets With One Shot in the Context of Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Case Studies in Germany Related to Entrepreneurial Migrant Activities for the Development of the Home and Host Countries. Journal of Management issues, 1, 76-87. DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2018.26.7.
Sandouk, A.; U. Dornberger
Bewertung des Standorts Leipzig aus der Perspektive ausländischer Studierender, SEPT Working Paper Series No. 27 (Technical Paper), Leipzig University, 2018.
Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB), iMOVE Training – Made in Germany (Hrsg.)
Leitfaden für den Export beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung. Autoren: Gunnar Kaßberg, Uwe Becher, Philip Friebel, Steve Uhlig, Hagen Schied, Utz Dornberger, Leipzig, 2018.
Fintel v., G.; U. Dornberger
Eine Analyse des Wachstums der Biotechnologieunternehmen in Sachsen, SEPT Working Paper Series No. 26 (Technical Paper), ISBN: 3-934693-28-8, Leipzig University, 2018.
Nshimiyimana, G.; M. N. U. Nabi, U. Dornberger
Effect of Incorporating Entrepreneurship Module in Non-Business Major Programs in Higher Education Institutes (HEI): A Study of the Science Major Students at The Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur (INES) de Ruhengeri in Rwanda. In: Management issues 2018; 16 (1(73) Facets of Entrepreneurship): 143-169. DOI: 10.7172/1644-9584.73.9.
Nabi, M. N. U.; U. Dornberger
Birth and Growth in Isolation - Development of the Generic Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh. In: Munoz, J. M (Ed.): Globalization Alternatives - Strategies for the New International Economy, Business Expert Press: NY, pp. 101-112.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A.; C. Berrones-Flemmig, U. Dornberger; M. N. U. Nabi (Eds.)
Conference Proceedings: iN4iN Network Conference 2017- Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Competitiveness. iN4iN, International SEPT Program, Leipzig University, Leipzig, ISBN: 3-934693-27-X.
Kibona, D.; U. Dornberger, M. N. U. Nabi
Influence of Social Capital on incubated MSMEs Access to Non-Formal Finance. A Case of Tanzanian Incubated Firms. In: Dvoulety, O. et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference. Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, May 31 – June 1, 2018, Prague.
Vershiyi, B. C.; C. Berrones-Flemmig, U. Dornberger
Hitting Two Targets With One Shot in the Context of Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Case Studies in Germany Related to Entrepreneurial Migrant Activities for the Development of the Home and Host Countries. Journal of Management issues, 1, 76-87. DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2018.26.7.
Sandouk, A.; U. Dornberger
Bewertung des Standorts Leipzig aus der Perspektive ausländischer Studierender, SEPT Working Paper Series No. 27 (Technical Paper), Leipzig University, 2018.
Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB), iMOVE Training – Made in Germany (Hrsg.)
Leitfaden für den Export beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung. Autoren: Gunnar Kaßberg, Uwe Becher, Philip Friebel, Steve Uhlig, Hagen Schied, Utz Dornberger, Leipzig, 2018.
Fintel v., G.; U. Dornberger
Eine Analyse des Wachstums der Biotechnologieunternehmen in Sachsen, SEPT Working Paper Series No. 26 (Technical Paper), ISBN: 3-934693-28-8, Leipzig University, 2018.
Nshimiyimana, G.; M. N. U. Nabi, U. Dornberger
Effect of Incorporating Entrepreneurship Module in Non-Business Major Programs in Higher Education Institutes (HEI): A Study of the Science Major Students at The Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur (INES) de Ruhengeri in Rwanda. In: Management issues 2018; 16 (1(73) Facets of Entrepreneurship): 143-169. DOI: 10.7172/1644-9584.73.9.
Nabi, M. N. U.; U. Dornberger
Birth and Growth in Isolation - Development of the Generic Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh. In: Munoz, J. M (Ed.): Globalization Alternatives - Strategies for the New International Economy, Business Expert Press: NY, pp. 101-112.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A.; C. Berrones-Flemmig, U. Dornberger; M. N. U. Nabi (Eds.)
Conference Proceedings: iN4iN Network Conference 2017- Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Competitiveness. iN4iN, International SEPT Program, Leipzig University, Leipzig, ISBN: 3-934693-27-X.
Kibona, D.; U. Dornberger, M. N. U. Nabi
Influence of Social Capital on incubated MSMEs Access to Non-Formal Finance. A Case of Tanzanian Incubated Firms. In: Dvoulety, O. et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference. Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, May 31 – June 1, 2018, Prague.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A.; R. Adu-Gyamfi, M. N. U. Nabi, U. Dornberger
Analysing the Role of Framework Conditions Influencing International Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Process. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 5(3), 9-29.
Contreras, F.; J. C. Espinosa, U. Dornberger, Y. A. Cuero Acosta
Leadership and Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior: Test of a Mediation and Moderation Model. In: Asian Social Science; Vol. 13, No. 9; 2017.
Nyadu-Addo, R.; M. S. Benneh Mensah
Entrepreneurship education in Ghana – the case of the KNUST entrepreneurship clinic. In: Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,
Torres Zárate, O. A.; U. Dornberger
Income Diversification in Rural Regions. An Integrative Locational and Sectoral Approach, SEPT Working Paper Series No. 25, ISBN: 3-934693-26-1, Leipzig University, 2017.
Imanbaeva, S.; U. Dornberger
Mapping of Innovative Ways to Finance Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises, SEPT Working Paper Series No. 24, ISBN: 3-934693-25-3, Leipzig University, 2017.
Wołejsza, P.; J. Koszelew, T. Tchemisova, N. Martins, I. Cacao, M. Lakakou, E. Iakovaki, E. Stefanidaki, U. Dornberger, C. Hauke, M. Kopczyński., B. Wiśnicki
More Entrepreneurial Life at European Schools, Szczecin, Maritime University of Szczecin, 2017, ISBN - 978-83-64434-34-1.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A.; R. Adu-Gyamfi, M. N. U. Nabi, U. Dornberger
Analysing the Role of Framework Conditions Influencing International Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Process. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 5(3), 9-29.
Contreras, F.; J. C. Espinosa, U. Dornberger, Y. A. Cuero Acosta
Leadership and Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior: Test of a Mediation and Moderation Model. In: Asian Social Science; Vol. 13, No. 9; 2017.
Nyadu-Addo, R.; M. S. Benneh Mensah
Entrepreneurship education in Ghana – the case of the KNUST entrepreneurship clinic. In: Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,
Torres Zárate, O. A.; U. Dornberger
Income Diversification in Rural Regions. An Integrative Locational and Sectoral Approach, SEPT Working Paper Series No. 25, ISBN: 3-934693-26-1, Leipzig University, 2017.
Imanbaeva, S.; U. Dornberger
Mapping of Innovative Ways to Finance Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises, SEPT Working Paper Series No. 24, ISBN: 3-934693-25-3, Leipzig University, 2017.
Wołejsza, P.; J. Koszelew, T. Tchemisova, N. Martins, I. Cacao, M. Lakakou, E. Iakovaki, E. Stefanidaki, U. Dornberger, C. Hauke, M. Kopczyński., B. Wiśnicki
More Entrepreneurial Life at European Schools, Szczecin, Maritime University of Szczecin, 2017, ISBN - 978-83-64434-34-1.
Ansari, A.; H. Beermann, U. Dornberger
An Overview of the Innovation System in Iran. Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW, Working Paper 2016, No. 4, Leipzig.
Nguyen Thi, M. A.; U. Dornberger (Eds.)
Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Vietnamese Customer Perspective. Youth Publishing House, Hanoi.
Zambrano-Pereira, D. P.; Y. A. Cuero Acosta
Caso de Buenas Prácticas en la empresa Sarfco Ltda. en la Ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia. In: C. Garrido-Noguera & D. García-Perez-de-Lema (Eds.). Vinculación de las universidades con los sectores productivos. Casos en Iberoamérica, vol. 1 - Cap. 15, (pp. 187-196). Ciudad de México, México: UDUAL y la REDUE-ALCUE. ISBN: 978-607-8066-25-4.
Rwehumbiza, D.
International expansion of clothing manufacturers from Kenya: A dichotomy between firms’ capabilities and institutional support. In: Marinov, Marin A. and Olav J. Sørensen (Eds.) (2016): Finding Solutions to the Challenges of Internationalisation. Aalborg University Press.
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) et al. (Eds.)
Assessing Regional Integration in Africa VII: Innovation, Competitiveness and Regional Integration. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, African Union, and African Development Bank. Addis Ababa [Matambalya, Francis; Leipzig University, International SEPT Program: General Consultant and Editor].
Osterburg, T.; U. Dornberger
Eine Analyse der Internationalisierungsstrategien sächsischer Unternehmen, SEPT Working Paper Series No. 23, ISBN: 3-934693-24-5, Leipzig University, 2015.
Eyarefe, D. I.; K. P. Addo, R. Nyadu-Addo
Entrepreneurship Education and Graduate Employability: Implication for Policy and Practice". Kampala International University (KIU) Journal of Education. Vol. 9, December 2015, pp 1-14. ISBN 1821-8202.
Kibona, D.
Impact of Elements of Advertisement on the Consumer Buying Behaviour in Urban Areas: The Lessons from Coca-Cola Consumers in Dar-Es-Salaam Tanzania. In: Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2015, pp. 19-33.
Dornberger, U.; R. Adu-Gyamfi, P. Sommer (Eds.)
Entrepreneurship Promotion at Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Research Centers. International SEPT Program, Leipzig, Leipzig University.
Matambalya, F. (Ed.)
African industrial development and European Union co-operation: prospects for a reengineered partnership. Routledge Studies in Development Economics; 113. Abingdon: Routledge.
Matambalya, F.
The Zanzibar secessionist sentiments: Can regional integration theory provide insights into the phenomenon? In: Bereketeab, R. (Ed.): Self-Determination and Secession in Africa. The post-colonial state, Abingdon: Routledge.
Zuniga, A.; U. Dornberger, A. Alcala, A. Sanchez
Guía práctica para la comercialización y transferencia de tecnologías. Editorial Lasallista. Corporación Universitaria Lasallista y TecnoParque Nodo Rionegro SENA, 2015.
Beermann, H.; U. Dornberger, B. Sebitosi, S. Groh, J. v. d. Straeten
Value Chain Thinking and Energy Projects - A Problem-Centered Value Chain Approach to Energy Based Upgrading of Rice Farmers in the Philippines. In: Groh, S. (et al.) (Eds.) (2015): Decentralized Solutions for Developing Economies, Springer Proceedings in Energy 2015, Heidelberg, pp. 109-122.
Rwehumbiza, D.; N. Un Nabi Md., U. Dornberger
Institutions and diversification of international markets: A study of clothing manufacturers from Tanzania and Kenya. In: Marinov, M. (Ed.): Experiences of Emerging Economy Firms, Palgrave Macmillan., 2015.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A.
Fortalecimiento del desarrollo sostenible en Bogotá por medio del a creación de valor compartido por parte de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (Mipymes). In Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Administracion (ASCOLFA) (Ed.): Compilación de Ponencias Presentadas en la Conferencia ASCOLFA 2015, pp. 118-135.
Protcko, E.; U. Dornberger
The impact of market orientation on business performance – the case of Tatarstan knowledge-intensive companies (Russia). In: Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2014.
Waeltring, F.; U. Dornberger
Insight Study on the German Early Stage Investing, Incubation and Business Angel System. International SEPT Program, Mesopartner. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. New Delhi 2014.
Adusei, M.; S. Y. Akomea, R.Nyadu-Addo
Predicting Bank Credit Risk: Does Board Structure Matter? In: The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, Vol. 8, No. 5.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A.; N. Un Nabi Md, U. Dornberger
Entrepreneurial orientation and its impact on the improvement of technological capability in Colombia. In: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 231–245, 2014.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A; I. Torres Zapata, U. Dornberger
Technological-intensive Suppliers as Key Element for Structural Change in Latin America. In: Christiansen, B. (Ed.): Economic Growth and Technological Change in Latin America, Hershey 2014.
N. Un Nabi Md.; R. Adu-Gyamfi, A. Laura Lucero Pampillo, U. Dornberger
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Social Media as a Marketing Communication Tool: A Case Study of Mexican SMEs. Proceedings of the International Conference On Emerging Challenges: Innovation Management in SMEs (ICECH2014), Hanoi, Vietnam, September.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A.
Societal Entrepreneurship and its Impact on the Creation of Value Locally. Fundación universitaria Empresarial de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá – Uniempresarial, Colombia.
Dornberger, U.; N. Un Nabi Md.
Explaining the International Entry and Expansion of Firms from Developing Countries from a Capability Point of View: Test Results from Ethiopia, Bolivia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. In: Etemad, H. (Ed.): The Process of Internationalization in Emerging SMEs and Emerging Countries, Cheltenham.
N. Un Nabi Md.; U. Dornberger
Entrepreneurship and the institutional context: dynamic of development of the locally owned generic pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh. In: Etemad, H. et al. (Eds.): Current Issues in International Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham.
Chantanaphant, J.; N. Un Nabi Md., U. Dornberger
The Effect of Technological Capability on the Performance of SMEs in Thailand, The Macrotheme Review, 2(4) Summer, 16-26, 2013.
Sandri, S.; C. Hauke, U. Dornberger
Studie zur Innovations- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Pharmazeutischen Industrie in Jordanien. SEPT working Paper no. 22, ISBN: 3-934693-21-0, Leipzig University, 2015.
Dornberger, U.; A. Suvelza (Eds.)
Managing the Fuzzy Front-End of Innovation, intelligence 4 innovation, International SEPT Program of the Leipzig University, 2012.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A.; N. Un Nabi, Md., U. Dornberger
Technological capability improvement as result of the entrepreneur’s search for innovation in the SMEs in Colombia, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, Vol 6(4), 2012.
Alexander, S.; N. Un Nabi Md., U. Dornberger
They should not emerge, but they do! - Development of the Generic Pharmaceutical Industry in Syria and Bangladesh. In: Topics in Middle Eastern and African Economies, Vol. 14, September 2012.
Benneh Mensah, M. S.; R. Nyadu-Addo
Juxtaposition of the Role of Small Businesses and the State in Ghana’s Economic Development. In: Journal of International Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2012.
Dornberger, U.; A. Suvelza, L. Bernal (Eds.)
La Gestión de la Fase Temprana de Innovación en PyMEs, GTZ, 2011.
Dornberger, U.; M. Estrada Muy, M. Pletsch-Betancourt, A. Suvelza
Status of the university-productive sector relationship in Central America. In: I. M. Pletsch-Betancourt; S. Wehrtmann et al. (Eds.): Innovation for Sustainable Development. Linkages between Higher Education and the Private Sector, PUEDES, Großalmerode, 2011.
Díaz, K.; U. Rietdorf, U. Dornberger
Alliance Decision-Making of SMEs. The Electronic Journal Information Systems Evaluation, Vol. 14 (1) 2011.
Dornberger, U.; M. Estrada Muy, M. Pletsch-Betancourt, A. Suvelza
Estado de situación de la vinculación universidad – sector productivo en Centroamérica. In: I. S. Wehrtmann & M. Wesseler (Eds.): Universidades y Empresas: Generando Potencial Innovador, PUEDES, San Jose, 2010.
Sales, C.; U. Dornberger
Evaluating the Internal Capabilities and External Linkages of the Philippine IT-Enabled Services (ITES) Industry. In: Karatas, M.; Zihini, T. (Eds.): Sustainable Economic Development and the Influence of Information Technologies, Hershey 2010.
Alexander, S. (et al.)
Potenzial islamische Bankprodukte in Deutschland. Einstellungen und Erwartungen der Muslime in Deutschland. In: Ebert, H.G.; Thießen F. (Hrsg.): Das islamkonforme Finanzgeschäft, Stuttgart 2010.
Academic Conferences
Anwar, A.; A. Khalid, U. Dornberger
Technological Advancements and Environmental Impact: A Meta-Study on the ICT-Environment Nexus. 7th International Conference on Research in Management, 05 - 07 July 2024, Zurich, Switzerland.
Mavuta, D.; U. Dornberger
Influence of informal institutions in promoting university spin-offs. International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (IEEE – ICE 2024), 24 to 28 June 2024.
Agyei Yeboah, B.; I. Duodu, U. Dornberger
Innovation Process of AgriTech Start-ups in Africa: Perspectives from Start-ups in Ghana. International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (IEEE – ICE 2024), 24 to 28 June 2024.
Ansari Vaghef, A; U. Dornberger
Processes Optimization in SMEs - An Integrative Data Analysis Concept. XXXV ISPIM Innovation Conference, held in Tallinn, Estonia on 09 June to 12 June 2024.
Ribeiro, A.
When Transnational Ties Meet Local Impact: The Role of Brazilian Women Entrepreneurs in Florida's Latino Landscape. 14th Conference on Cuban and Cuban American Studies, Florida International University (FIU), Miami, March 16th, 2024.
Bolanos, K.; U. Dornberger
Strategies and competences for local innovation: a case study. XXXV ISPIM Innovation Conference, held in Tallinn, Estonia on 09 June to 12 June 2024.
Boafo, C.; U. Dornberger, N. Boso
Impact of University-Business Linkages on International Business Competence: In-Service Training Perspective. Academy of International Business (AIB) 2024 Conference, Seoul (Korea), 2-6 July 2024.
Boafo, C.; U. Dornberger, SY. Kusi
International Student Mobility and SME International Growth Orientation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the Mediating Role of International Knowledge Transfer. Würzburg International Business Forum, 7th International Business Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, Doğuş Üniversitesi, Istanbul (Turkey), 23-24 May 2024.
Okanta, I.; C. Boafo
Entrepreneurs with Disabilities in Ghana’s Informal Sector: Exploring Challenges, Coping Mechanisms, and Impact on Livelihood. The 24th Academy of African Business and Development (AABD) Annual Conference Proceedings, Washburn University, United States, 14-18 May 2024.
Boafo, C.; U. Dornberger, N. Boso
The Impacts of Knowledge Transfer through University-Business Linkages on International Business Competence: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African Business Schools. Competitive Paper in Society and Institutions Track, Third Biennial “Out of (and into) Africa” Conference, Morgan State University, CIBER-CMCC, and Howard University, USA, November 6-7, 2023.
Boafo, C.
Doing Empirical Research in Covid-19 Era: A Study on Mental Health Among sub-Saharan African PhD Students in Germany. ANSA Conference on Mental Health and Therapy: Experiences of German and African Diaspora. Hamburg, Germany, 22 – 24 September 2023
Boafo, C.; U. Dornberger, N. Boso
The Impacts of Knowledge Transfer through University-Business Linkages on International Business Competence: A Perspective from In-Service Training Students, JIBS-JIBP Paper Development Workshop, AIB Canada Chapter Conference, HEC Montréal, Canada, November 17-18, 2023.
Boafo, C.; U. Dornberger, N. Boso
University-Business Linkage Knowledge Transfer Impacts on International Business Competence: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African Business Schools. Competitive Paper, The 27th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference on Resilience of International Entrepreneurship in times of Turbulence, Linnaeus University (LNU) School of Business & Economics, Kalmar, Sweden, 30 August - 1 September 2023.
Boafo, C.
Drivers of Business School Scholars into Knowledge Transfer with Firms? Evidence from Ghana. The 2023 African Centre for Career Enhancement and Skills Support (ACCESS) International Conference and Workshop on the Employability of African Graduates, National Universities Commission, Abuja, Nigeria, 31 July - 5 August 2023.
Boafo, C.; U. Dornberger
Business school scholars engaging in knowledge transfer with firms in a developing economy. Competitive Paper in Track 12: Knowledge, Innovation, & Technology, Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, SGH Warsaw School of Economics; Warsaw, Poland, July 5-9, 2023.
Yeboah, B. A.; U. Dornberger
Stakeholder Engagement in innovation processes in Nascent and unstructured ecosystems – A Study of AgriTech start-ups in Ghana. Abstract presented at the Academy of African Business and Development (AABD) Annual Conference, University of East London, London, United Kingdom, 16 – 20 May 2023.
Mavuta, D.; U. Dornberger, P. Njeru
Perceived Factors Influencing the Creation of University Spin-Offs (USOs) in Kenya: Formal and informal institutions. 7th Annual Conference of the Centre for African Research on Enterprise and Economic Development (CAREED), 29th – 30th June 2023, University of the West of Scotland on the topic "Sustainable Economies, Enterprise and Innovation in Africa".
Ribeiro, A.
Mapping out Brazilian women entrepreneurs and their networks in Germany. The Lusophone World and its Diasporas International Conference at York University, Toronto, Canada (June 28 – July 01, 2023).
Dornberger, U.; H. C. Sossouhounto
Factors Influencing Faculty Willingness to Engage in Academic Service-Learning Approach with Businesses for Graduates Employability Skills Development: Benin Perspectives. The Paris Conference on Education (IAFOR), June 16-19, 2023.
Boafo, C.
Exploring university-business linkage knowledge transfer and international business competence: evidence from a developing economy. International Business Review (IBR) in association with the European International Business Association (EIBA) Young International Business (IB) Scholars Workshop/Conference, January 13, 2023.
Faloye T.
The impact of the society and its culture on soft skills development and presentation in Nigeria. 2023 International Employability Research Conference of the African Centre for Career Enhancement and Skills Support (ACCESS), 02 - 03 August 2023, Abuja, Nigeria.
Agyemang E.
The Use of Informal Networks in the Ghanaian Labour Market: Good Matches or Limited Choices? 2023 International Employability Research Conference of the African Centre for Career Enhancement and Skills Support (ACCESS), 02 - 03 August 2023, Abuja, Nigeria.
Sossouhounto H. C.; U. Dornberger
Enhancing Soft Skills among Graduates in African Context: Strategies for Academic Service-learning Implementation with Businesses. 2023 International Employability Research Conference of the African Centre for Career Enhancement and Skills Support (ACCESS), 02 - 03 August 2023, Abuja, Nigeria.
Garraoui T.; H. Tizaoui
Tunisia's Over-Education and Graduate Unemployment within the Context of the Educational Mismatching Problem. 2023 International Employability Research Conference of the African Centre for Career Enhancement and Skills Support (ACCESS), 02 - 03 August 2023, Abuja, Nigeria.
Boafo, C.
Drivers of Business School Scholars into Knowledge Transfer with Firms? Evidence from Ghana. 2023 International Employability Research Conference of the African Centre for Career Enhancement and Skills Support (ACCESS), 02 - 03 August 2023, Abuja, Nigeria.
Alago D.; R. Alt, R. Obuba
Career Service Innovation for Employability Capacity Building of University Students. 2023 International Employability Research Conference of the African Centre for Career Enhancement and Skills Support (ACCESS), 02 - 03 August 2023, Abuja, Nigeria.
Boafo, C.; U. Dornberger, N. Boso
Antecedents of international business competence: an exploratory analysis of university-business linkages` knowledge transfer factors, Competitive Paper in Track Innovations in international business teaching, European International Business Association (EIBA) Conference, Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway, 7 – 11 December 2022.
Irala Rivera. B. I.; A. Ansari Vaghef, U. Dornberger
Developing a Gamification Concept from Promoting Innovation in Microbusinesses. ISPIM Connects Athens Conference - "The Role of innovation: Past, Present, Future", Greece. 28th -30th November, 2022.
Boafo, C.
What university-business linkages` knowledge transfer activities drive students` behavioral competencies for internationalization? Alumni (SEPT, MIDE, RUB) Conference 2022, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, 19 – 21 September 2022.
Boafo, C.
Scientific Publications: Hints and Tricks For Beginners in Scholarly Publishing. Symposium on International Business Research, Project IB Pakistan (SEPT Competence Center, Institute of Business Administration Karachi), Leipzig, Germany, 27 – 29 July 2022.
Ponce, J.
Effects of intimate partner violence against women in international micro and small enterprises relationships: the mediator role of capabilities. Symposium on International Business Research, Project IB Pakistan (SEPT Competence Center, Institute of Business Administration Karachi), 27-29 July 2022, Leipzig, Germany.
Tellez, M.
Analyzes of factors influencing the growth of Mexican owned business-related services companies in Germany. Symposium on International Business Research, Project IB Pakistan (SEPT Competence Center, Institute of Business Administration Karachi), 27-29 July 2022, Leipzig, Germany.
Hssan, Rihem
Analyzing the factors influencing the competitiveness of the Tunisian automotive suppliers in the global automotive value chain. Symposium on International Business Research, Project IB Pakistan (SEPT Competence Center, Institute of Business Administration Karachi), 27-29 July 2022, Leipzig, Germany.
Alago, D.
Stakeholder Interactions and Employability of Higher Education Students. 10th Annual Conference "Universities, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Africa", Sankt Augustin, Germany, 22-23 September.
Garraoui, T.
Graduates Unemployment and Entrepreneurship in Tunisia. Insaniyyat Conference, Tunis, Tunisia, 21-24 September 2022.
Kibona, D.; U. Dornberger, M. Noor Un Nabi
Social Capital and Incubated SMEs’ Access to Informal and Semi-Formal Finance. A Case of Tanzanian Incubated SMEs. International Conference on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling 2022, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 6-9, 2022.
Ansari Vaghef, A.; U. Dornberger
Process Analysis in Small Businesses Using Digital Data Collection Techniques. XXXIII ISPIM INNOVATION CONFERENCE - Innovating in a Digital World, Copenhagen, Denmark, 05th - 08 June, 2022.
Garraoui, T.
Graduated Females in the Tunisian Labor Market. MECAM Traveling Academy 2022, “Edited Volume: Inequality and Mobility”, Nabeul, Tunesien, 6-8 June.
Alago, D.
Adoption of Social Customer Relationship Management in Entrepreneurial Universities on Built Employability Capacity of Students. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022), Timisoara, Romania, 20-24 June.
Agyemang, E.
Getting a Job in Ghana: Job Search Perspectives Among Graduates in the Ghanaian Labor Market. Ghana Studies Association (GSA) Triennial 2022, “Ghana at Crossroads”, Tamale, Ghana, 18-20 July.
Shyiramunda, T.
Reorienting Practices in Higher Education: Discourse on Rwandan Graduates Experience at Labor Market. Ghana Studies Association (GSA) Triennial 2022, “Ghana at Crossroads”, Tamale, Ghana, 18-20 July.
Faloye, T.
Employers’ Perspective on Female Graduate Employability in Nigeria. Ghana Studies Association (GSA) Triennial 2022, “Ghana at Crossroads”, Tamale, Ghana, 18-20 July.
Ansari Vaghef, A.; U. Dornberger
Impact of Intermediary Services in Enhancing Absorptive Capacity of SMEs. ISPIM Connects Valencia – Reconnect, Rediscover, Reimagine, Valencia, Spain, 29th November - 1st December, 2021. ISBN 978-952-335-691-7
Nguyen, T. P; U. Dornberger
Impact of International Transfer Projects in Developing Vocational Education and Trainings in Vietnam. 9th International Conference on Emerging Challenges: Business Transformation and Circular Economy (ICECH 2021), Hanoi, Vietnam, November 5-6, 2021.
Sossouhounto, H.; U. Dornberger
Enhancing Graduates Employability: Exploring the required Competencies for Faculty Engagement in Service-Learning Approach with Businesses. 9th International Conference on Emerging Challenges: Business Transformation and Circular Economy (ICECH 2021), Hanoi, Vietnam, November 5-6, 2021.
Friebel, P.; U. Dornberger
The Role of Universities in International VET Transfer Projects. 06 - 10 September 2021 - European Conference on Educational Research, Geneva.
Dornberger, U.; C. Boafo
Beyond the traditional core missions of a university: What factors play a role in the successful implementation of university-business linkages in Africa? Paper presented at the Conference/Workshop on "Is there an African University?", 15–16 July 2021, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
Sossouhounto, H.
International Labour Organization Research: Benin Presentation. 1st ACCESS Research Conference on “Work and economic futures: Africa and Beyond”, Leipzig University, KNUST, University of Ibadan, INES-Ruhengeri, Mount Kenya University, University of Tunis, IRGIB Africa University, 23-24 April 2021, Leipzig, Germany.
Boafo, C.
Employability Research by ILO from 1990 to 2020: Insights from Ghana. 1st ACCESS Research Conference on “Work and economic futures: Africa and Beyond”, Leipzig University, KNUST, University of Ibadan, INES-Ruhengeri, Mount Kenya University, University of Tunis, IRGIB Africa University, 23-24 April 2021, Leipzig, Germany.
Berrones-Flemmig, C.; C. Boafo, Y. A. Cuero Acosta, G. Kaßberg, R. Nyadu-Addo, M. U. N. Nabi, U. Dornberger
Beyond the traditional core missions of a university: What competencies of academics play a role in the successful implementation of university-business collaboration? 1st ACCESS Research Conference on “Work and economic futures: Africa and Beyond”, Leipzig University, KNUST, University of Ibadan, INES-Ruhengeri, Mount Kenya University, University of Tunis, IRGIB Africa University, 23-24 April 2021, Leipzig, Germany.
Alago, D.
International Labour Organization Research-Kenya presentation. 1st ACCESS Research Conference on “Work and economic futures: Africa and Beyond”, Leipzig University, KNUST, University of Ibadan, INES-Ruhengeri, Mount Kenya University, University of Tunis, IRGIB Africa University, 23-24 April 2021, Leipzig, Germany.
Agyemang, E.
International Labour Organization-Ghana presentation. 1st ACCESS Research Conference on “Work and economic futures: Africa and Beyond”, Leipzig University, KNUST, University of Ibadan, INES-Ruhengeri, Mount Kenya University, University of Tunis, IRGIB Africa University, 23-24 April 2021, Leipzig, Germany.
Garraoui, T.
International Labour organization- Tunisia presentation. 1st ACCESS Research Conference on “Work and economic futures: Africa and Beyond”, Leipzig University, KNUST, University of Ibadan, INES-Ruhengeri, Mount Kenya University, University of Tunis, IRGIB Africa University, 23-24 April 2021, Leipzig, Germany.
Faloye, T.
International Labour Organization- Nigeria presentation. 1st ACCESS Research Conference on “Work and economic futures: Africa and Beyond”, Leipzig University, KNUST, University of Ibadan, INES-Ruhengeri, Mount Kenya University, University of Tunis, IRGIB Africa University, 23-24 April 2021, Leipzig, Germany.
Shyiramunda, T.
International Labour organization-Rwanda presentation. 1st ACCESS Research Conference on “Work and economic futures: Africa and Beyond”, Leipzig University, KNUST, University of Ibadan, INES-Ruhengeri, Mount Kenya University, University of Tunis, IRGIB Africa University, 23-24 April 2021, Leipzig, Germany.
Ansari Vaghef, A.; Dornberger, U.
How Intermediary Services Support Development of Absorptive Capacity in SMEs? International Conference on Emerging Challenges. November 2-3, Hanoi.
Boafo, C.; Owusu, R. A.; Guiderdoni-Jourdain, K.; Servais, P.
Understanding Internationalization of Informal African SMEs through a Network Perspective”, EIBA-IBR Paper Development Workshop, 10th Atlas AFMI Annual Conference - IAE Poitiers, University of Poitiers, France, 18 – 20 May 2020.
Boafo, C.; Dornberger, U.
Industrial Clusters and their effects on the Internationalization of Micro and Small Informal Enterprises: A Developing Country Perspective”, Conducting field research in methodologically challenging settings virtual workshop, University of Surrey, UK, 2 October 2020.
Anwar, A.; Dornberger, U.
Motives to invest in Africa: A meta-analytic review. Paper presented at the MIRDEC-13th, International Academic Conference on Social Science Discussions and Contemporary Trends in Social Science, 18-20 June 2019, Madrid, Spain.
Boafo, C.; Dornberger, U.
The Internationalisation Degree of Urban Informal Enterprises in Ghana: An Extension of Internationalisation Theories”, 23rd McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, SDU, Denmark, 28 August 2019.
Zhang, Y.; Dornberger, U.
Explore entrepreneur´s personal very first export decision under bounded rationality, The 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2019), 30-31 May 2019, University of Economics, Prague.
Anwar, A.; Ifinedo, P.
Determinants of E-Participation: An Empirical Analysis. Paper presented at 11th Economics and Finance Conference, held in Rome, Italy, at the Sapienza University of Rome from May 27 - 30, 2019.
Valenciano-Mañé, A.
The state by proxy? Private enterprises and infrastructures in West-Central Africa. ECAS 2019 Conference, Africa: Connections and Disrruptions, Edinburgh, June 11-14 2019.
Valenciano-Mañé, A.
L’Estat en Proxy? Explorant sobiranies i governamentalitats a l’Àfrica central. Recercafica III, Jornades Africanistes de Catalunya, Barcelona 20 to 22 March 2019.
Zhang, Y.; Dornberger, U.
The role of effectuation in entrepreneurs first export decision process: A case study of Zhejiang private micro and small-sized enterprises. G-Forum Jahreskonferenz 2018, 22. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand. 11. -12. Oktober 2018, Haus der Wirtschaft, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart.
Anwar, A.; Iwasaki, I.
Institutions and FDI from BRICS countries: A meta-analytic review. Paper presented at the 2018 Meta-Analysis of Economics Research Network (MAER-Net) Colloquium held in Melbourne, Australia at Deakin University from 4 to 5 October 2018.
Ansari Vaghef, A.; Dornberger. U.
The role of intermediary services in enhancing technology absorption capacity of SMEs. G-Forum Jahreskonferenz 2018, 22. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand. 11. -12. Oktober 2018, Haus der Wirtschaft, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart.
Berrones-Flemmig, C.; Dornberger, U.
The impact of financial literacy apps for best accounting and financial management practices in SMEs: Experiences from developing countries. G-Forum Jahreskonferenz 2018, 22. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand. 11. -12. Oktober 2018, Haus der Wirtschaft, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart.
Kibona, D.; Nabi, M. N. U.; Dornberger, U.
Influence of Social Capital on incubated MSME access to non-formal Finance. A case of Tanzanian incubated MSMES. The 6th International Conference on Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2018), University of Economics, Prague, 30.05.-01.06.2018.
Kwarteng Oppong, P.; Adu-Gyamfi, R.; Nyadu-Addo, R.; Dornberger, U.
Analysing the Macro-Framework Conditions for Technology-Based Entrepreneurship to Thrive; Policy Experts’ Perspectives on Ghana. Conference of the African Studies Association in Germany (VAD e.V.), Leipzig University, 27–30 June 2018.
Adu-Gyamfi, R.; Kwarteng Oppong, P.; Nyadu-Addo, R.; Dornberger, U.
Towards Entrepreneurship Promotion in Africa Through Export Processing Zones: Evidence of a Ghanaian Export Business. Conference of the African Studies Association in Germany (VAD e.V.), Leipzig University, 27–30 June 2018.
Obiri Yeboah, K.; Dornberger, U.; Nabi, M. N. U.
The Influence of African Normative Institution on New Venture Creation. Conference of the African Studies Association in Germany (VAD e.V.), Leipzig University, 27–30 June 2018.
Kibona, D.; Dornberger, U.; Nabi, M. N. U.
Facilitating Incubated MSMEs’ Access to Semi-Formal Finance in Tanzania. Do Business Incubators Play a Financial Intermediation Role? Conference of the African Studies Association in Germany (VAD e.V.), Leipzig University, 27–30 June 2018.
Nguyen, K. T.; Dornberger, U. and Nabi, M. N.
Explaining the differentials in firms’ modes of export engagement: A dynamic capability-based interpretation of the Vietnamese indirect and direct exporting SMEs. The 22nd McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Halmstad University, 22–24 August 2018, Halmstad, Sweden.
Nshimiyimana, G.
Corruption and Growth in Start-Up Rate - an Exploration of Selected African Countries. Conference of the African Studies Association in Germany (VAD e.V.), Leipzig University, 27-30 June 2018.
Berrones-Flemmig, C.; Imanbaeva, S.; Dornberger, U.
Innovative financial instruments for financial literacy in SMEs. In: P. L. Huong (Ed.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Emerging Challenges. Strategic Integration. Hanoi: Bach Khoa Publishing House.
Yeboah, K. O. and Nabi, M. U. N.
The development of Knowledge intensive business service (KIBS) firms in Africa: The way forward. In: P. L. Huong (Ed.): Proceedings of the 6TH International Conference on Emerging Challenges. Strategic Integration. Hanoi: Bach Khoa Publishing House.
Yeboah, K. O. and Nabi, M. U. N.
Supporting innovation in Tech hubs in Africa: The role of institution. In: P. L. Huong (Ed.): Proceedings of the 6TH International Conference on Emerging Challenges. Strategic Integration. Hanoi: Bach Khoa Publishing House.
Contreras Torres, F. T., Dornberger, U., Espinosa Mendez, J. C., & Cuero Acosta, Y. A.
Absortive Capacity and Organizational Climate for Innovation in a Group of Vietnamese Companies: An Exploratory Study. In: P. L. Huong (Ed.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Emerging Challenges. Strategic Integration. Hanoi: Bach Khoa Publishing House.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A.
The Interplay between Organization Capabilities within Micro and Small Business: A Conceptual Discussion. In: P. L. Huong (Ed.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Emerging Challenges. Strategic Integration. Hanoi: Bach Khoa Publishing House.
Nyadu-Addo, R., Adu-Gyamfi, R., Nabi, Md. Noor Un Nabi, and Utz Dornberger
Toward an Understanding of Artiste Managers in Ghana. In P. L. Huong (Ed.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Emerging Challenges. Strategic Integration. ICECH 2017, Hanoi: Bach Khoa Publishing House.
Dornberger, U.; Nabi, M. N. U. and Cuero Acosta, Y. A.
Downgrading as a Business Strategy in the Internationalization of SMEs from Emerging Countries. In: ICSB (Ed.), ICSB 62nd Annual World Conference. Proceedings Book
Berrones-Flemmig, C.; Imanbaeva, S.; Dornberger, U.
Innovative financial instruments for financial literacy in SMEs. In4in International Conference: Entrepreneurship and innovation for competitiveness, unlocking SME´s potentials under evolving challenges and opportunities in the markets, 29.11. 2017, Deutsches Haus Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Berrones-Flemmig, C.; Vershiyi, B. and Dornberger, U.
"Hitting two targets with one shot" in the context of diaspora entrepreneurship: Case studies in Germany related with entrepreneurial migrant activities for the development of the home and host countries. IV International Scientific Conference Entrepreneurship for the XXI century. Images and perspectives, 16.-17.11. 2017, Centre for Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland.
Berrones-Flemmig, C.; Imanbaeva, S.; Dornberger, U.
Financial resources for a better world: Development financing as a global trend in financial instruments for social and sustainable SMEs. G-Forum Jahreskonferenz 2017; 4.-6.10. 2017, Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
Jaklová, K. and Dornberger, U.
Business model and establishment of pathways towards sustainable lifestyles. 2nd International Conference on New Business Models, Graz, June 20-23, 2017.
Nguyen, C. T.; Nabi, M. N. U. and Dornberger, U.
Smaller non-multinational company FDI: A review of concepts, drivers and effects. Berlin: Institute for International Business Studies, 1st Paper Development Workshop.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A.; Adu-Gyamfi, R.; Nabi, M. N. U. and Dornberger, U.
How do entrepreneurs identify opportunities in different market context? Unbundling international entrepreneurial opportunity identification process. In Leuphana University, 7th Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Global Challenges.
Kibona, D.; Nabi, M. N. U. and Dornberger, U.
Facilitating incubated start-ups’ access to semi-formal finance in Tanzania. Does social capital play a role in the process?. In Leuphana University, 7th Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Global Challenges.
Cuero-Acosta, Y. A.; Nabi, M.N.U. and Dornberger, U.
Downgrading as a strategy for SMEs in global value chains. Accelerating Innovation and Growth of SMEs through Responsive Policies. UDBS-TPSF-iN4iN African Network First Roundtable on SME Innovation and Responsive Policies. 23th and 24th November, 2016. Kinsaga LAPF International Conference Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Berrones-Flemmig, C. and Mauroner, O.
Exploring patterns of financing for social enterprises - a comparison of Mexico and Germany", presentation at the G-Forum Conference 2016, Leipzig, Germany, October 2016.
Cuero-Acosta, Y. A.; Nabi, M.N.U. and Dornberger, U.
Towards an exposition on downgrading as a concept in global value chains. International Conference on Emerging Challenges: Partnership Enhancement. 11th November, 2016, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Nguyen, K. T.; Dornberger, U. and Nabi, M. N.
Exploring the Patterns of Resources leveraging by SMEs in their internationalization process - A study of Vietnamese exporting manufacturing firms. The 2016 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies, Lingnan University, 2-4 December 2016, Guangzhou, China.
Yeboah, K.O. and Dornberger, U.
Is effectuation always a better decision making approach in new venture creation in times of uncertainty? 4th Effectuation Conference, June 5-7, 2016, Kjerring, Bodo, Norway.
Cuero Acosta, Y. A. and Dornberger, U.
The Emergence of Technology-intensive Suppliers (TIS): Globalization’s Spill-over from Value Chain. In the Sixth Aalborg International Business Conference, at Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, 1-3 June, 2016.
Adu-Gyamfi, R. and Dornberger, U.
Upgrading Strategies and Livelihood Outcomes of Smallholders in Non-Traditional Exports Value Chains. In the Sixth Aalborg International Business Conference, at Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, 1-3 June, 2016.
Zhang, Y. and Dornberger, U.
A Model to Measure the Influence of Effectuation & Enactment on Export Performance of Privately Owned Small Enterprises in China. 4th Effectuation Conference, June 5-7, 2016, Nord University Business School and Nordland Research Institute.
Nyadu-Addo, R.; Matambalya, F. and Dornberger, U.
An Exploratory Study of the Ghanaian Music Industry: Its Impacts on the Economy and Society. ICCI 2016: 18th International Conference on Creative Industry, October 10-11, 2016, New York, USA.
Nguyen Thi, H. and Dornberger, U.
Commercializing Technological Inventions: The Theoretical Model of Impact of Technology Characteristics and Psychological Elements on Intention of Venture Creation and Technology Transfer in Developing Countries. EconWorld2015, 18‐20 August, 2015, Torino, Italia.
Chantanaphant, J.; Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
Strategic advantages building through technological capability: The case of SMEs in the plastics industry in Thailand, presented in the 2015 International Conference on Management Engineering and Information Technology Application (MEITA2015), 19-20 April, Hong Kong.
Matambalya, F.
Intellectual Property in Trade Negotiations. Conference "National Multi-Stakeholders Workshop: Validation of the Zimbabwe National Intellectual Property (IP) Policy and Implementation Strategy", 10.-11. September 2015.
Nguyen Thi, H. and Dornberger, U.
Commercializing Technological Inventions: the Theoretical Model of Impact of Technology Characteristics and Psychological Elements on Entrepreneurial Intentions and Technology Transfer in Developing Countries; ICNST 2015: XIII International Conference on Nano Science and Technology. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 12 - 13, 2015.
Adu-Gyamfi; R., Oppong, P.R. and Matambalya, F.
University partnerships to promote small and medium-sized enterprise start-ups: lessons from an international survey of case studies, Paper presented at the ICABUMPA-iN4iN Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, October.
Adu-Gyamfi, R.
Linkages and Supplier Development through Knowledge Transfer: A Free Zone Enterprise and its Suppliers, Paper presented at the Winter School of the Graduate Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, Oppurg, Germany, January-February.
Yeboah, K.; Nyado-Addo, R. and Matambalya, F.
Exploring the prospects for tourism innovation in Africa. Conference paper presented at ICABUMPA - iN4iN Africa Conference 2015, “New Concepts for Business Acceleration for Africa”, Kenyan International Conference Center, Nairobi, Kenya.
Adu-Gyamfi, R. and Dornberger U.
Institutions and international business: Export Processing Zones, Firm Outsourcing and Supplier Responses, Paper presented at the Academy of International Business Northeastern Chapter Conference, Byrant University, Rhode Island, USA, November 2014.
Adu-Gyamfi, R. and Dornberger U.
Examining Export Processing Zones (EPZs) as Portals of Globalisation, Paper presented at the Academy of International Business Sub-Sahara Africa Chapter Conference, Riara University, Nairobi, Kenya, August.
Rwehumbiza, D.; Dornberger, U. and Nabi, M. N. U.
International expansion of clothing manufacturers from Kenya: A dichotomy between firms’ capabilities and institutional support, Paper presented at the 5th Aalborg Conference, held from 4 – 6 June, 2014, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Alam, Md. Nur and Dornberger, U.
Entrepreneurial Effectuation and Internationalization of Small Software Exporting Firms in Bangladesh. IE Mini Conference on New Research Themes in International Entrepreneurship, May 22-23, 2014, University of Southern Denmark.
Chantanaphant, J.
Marketing communication on the internet for small firms in tourism industry, presented in the 2nd Tourism and Hospitality International Conference (THIC 2014), 5-6 November, Langkawi, Malaysia.
Beermann, H.; Dornberger, U.; Sebitosi, B.; Groh, S. and Straeten, J.
Value chain thinking and energy projects – A problem-centred value chain approach to energy based upgrading of rice farmers in the Philippines. MES-BREG Symposium 2014 Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering untapped resource. Microenergy Systems Postgraduate School (TU Berlin); Berkely Rural Energy Group (University of California), 10-12 April, 2014, Berkely.
Rwehumbiza, D. and Dornberger, U.
Institutions and diversification of international markets: A study of clothing manufacturers from Tanzania and Kenya. Paper presented at the 39th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference, 12-14 December, 2013, University of Bremen, Germany
Ansari Vaghef, A.
An Analysis of the Legal Framework and Governmental Supports in Enhancing International Performance of Iranian IT SMEs. 1th International Conference on IT Industry & Export, June 2013, Tehran, Iran.
Cuero, Y.; Torres, I. and Dornberger, U.
Conference proceedings: “Technology-intensive suppliers and its role in developing countries,” in “Science, Technology and Innovation in the Emerging Markets Economy. IAMOT 2013”. ISBN. 0-9815817-6-5. Porto Alegre, Brazil. 14-18 April.
Chantanaphant, J.; Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
Firm level technological capability: A case of SMEs in Plastics industry in Thailand’, presented in the International Conference Enterprise Challenges: Improving SME Competitiveness (ICECH2013), 6 September, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Chantanaphant, J.; Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
The Effect of Technological Capability on the Performance of SMEs in Thailand presented in the Business and Social Science Research Conference: Dubrovnik 2013, 27-28 June, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Chantanaphant, J.; Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
Impact of Technological Capability on Thai SMEs Performance, presented in the Thai Student Academic Conference 2013 - Chances and Challenges for Young Academics (TSAC–TSIS 2013), 29-31 March, Göttingen, Germany
Adu-Gyamfi, R. and Campbell M. M.
Pursuing Economic Zones and Free Trade Agreements in a Regional Context; Paradoxes and Intricacies, Paper presented at the XI Summer School, Flying University of Transnational Humanities, Seoul, South Korea and the Graduate Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, September.
Adu-Gyamfi, R.
Examining Export Processing Zones under the Lens of Portals of Globalization. Paper presented the "Portals of Globalization" Workshop, Graduate Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Research Academy Leipzig and the Centre for Area Studies, June 2013.
Dornberger, U. and Alam, Md. Nur
Toward an Effectuation-Focused Interpretation of Small Firm Internationalization: A Case Study on Software Exporting Firms of Bangladesh’, Accepted for AIB (Academy of International Business) Conference, 03-06 July, Istanbul, Turkey
Dornberger, U. and Alam, Md. Nur
Effects of Antecedent Factors on Degree of Effectuation: A Case Study on Software Firms of Bangladesh’, Accepted for 2nd Effectuation Research and Teaching Conference, 03-04 June, Lyon, France
Nguyen, P.M.H. and Dornberger, U.
Functional Upgrading in Global Apparel Value Chain: The Case of Vietnam’, presented in the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, 5 April, Paris, France
Nguyen, P.M.H.; Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
The Importance of Market Orientation in Improving the Position of Vietnamese garment manufactures in Apparel Value Chains, presented in the ICECH 2013: International Conference on Enterprise Challenges: Improving SMEs’ Competitiveness”, September 6, 2013 in Hanoi, Vietnam
Cuero, Y.; Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
Conference proceedings: “Entrepreneurial Orientation and its Impact in the Improvement of Technological Capability within SMEs in Emerging Countries,” in “International Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Entrepreneurial strategies and policies for economic growth. ISEI 2012”. Edited by Moreno Muffato and Paolo Giacon. ISBN. 978-88-6292-286-9. Wester Srl, Padova, Italy. Venice, Italy. 23-25 May.
Adu-Gyamfi, R.
Export Processing Zones (EPZs) as Corporate Entities: What model of governance Ensues? Paper presented at the X. International Summer School of the Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences of the Research Academy Leipzig and the Centre for Area Studies. "Area Studies and Globalization", September 2012.
Chantanaphant, J.; Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
Impact of Technological Capability on the Export Performance of SMEs in Thailand.’, presented in the 17th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research, May 23 - 25, 2012, Helsinki, Finland.
Bernal Vera, L. and Dornberger, U.
Factors of influence in the loyalty of clients in Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS): A Transaction Cost and Relational Marketing Approach, 14th QMOD Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, TECNUN University Navarra, San Sebastian, Spain.
Torres, I.; Un Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
Is there an International Entrepreneur in all kinds of Internationalized firms?, presented at the XV McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, September 21-23, Pavia, Italy.
Torres, I.; Un Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
Analysing the market diversification process in SME’s internationalization process, presented at the XV McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, September 21-23, Pavia, Italy.
Alam, Md. Nur; Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
Toward an Effectuation-Focused Interpretation of Small Firm Internationalization’, presented in the 14th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, 16-18 September, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Torres, I. and Dornberger, U.
Export Performance of Chilean Technology Intensive Suppliers, presented at the LVI ISCB World Conference, June 15-18, Stockholm, Sweden
Torres, I. and Dornberger, U.
The Role of International Entrepreneurs in Chilean Technology-intensive Supplier (TiS)s, presented at the XIV McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, September 17-19, Odense, Denmark.
Cuero, Y.; Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
Technological Capability Development as Result of the Entrepreneur’s Search for Innovation in the SMEs in Colombia, ICSB World Conference, Stockholm 2011.
Alexander, S.; Nabi, M.N. and Dornberger, U.
They should not emerge, but they do! – Development of the Generic Pharmaceutical Industry in Syria and Bangladesh”, Paper for the 10th International Conference of the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA), Barcelona 23-24 June 2011.
Rwehumbiza, D.
The East African Community (EAC) and its Influence on Tanzania’s Manufactured Exports Intensity and Competitiveness. Paper presented at the International Conference on Globalization and Development, 2011, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Dornberger, U.; Un Nabi, M. N. and Linh Ly Diep
The impact of market orientation on the performance of the Vietnamese software firms. The 18th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2010.
Un Nabi, M. N. and Dornberger, U.
Higher-order capabilities and the post-entry international market expansion of the firms, AIB 2010 Annual Conference, Rio de Janiero, 2010.
Torres, I.; Un Nabi, M. N. and Dornberger, U.
Export intensity of Chilean Technology Intensive Suppliers, presented at the XIII McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, September 17-19, Montreal, Canada.
Dornberger, U. and Un Nabi, M. N.
International market expansion of the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh, AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Saigon, 2010.
Alexander, S.; Un Nabi, M. N. and Dornberger, U.
Internationalization of the pharmaceutical industry from Bangladesh and Syria, AIB MENA Regional Conference, Dubai, 2010.
Dornberger, U.; Un Nabi, M. N. and H. N. Thi
Entrepreneurial Competencies and Business Performance in Vietnamese SMEs, 16th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research, Kolding, 2010.
Dornberger, U. and Un Nabi, M. N.
Explaining the differential rate of the post-entry international expansion of the firms with a capability differential hypothesis, 35th European International Business Academy Conference, Valencia, 2009.
Torres, I.
Importancia de los proveedores tecnológicos (Pymes) en el éxito de los encadenamientos productivos con grandes empresas, presented at the XIII Conferencia ALTEC (Asociación Ibero-latinoamericana de Gestión y Transferencia de Tecnología), Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, November 22-24, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2009.
Berrones, C.
Issues and problems of the credit process with regard to the SME Sector: Experiences in Mexico, presentation at the "Sustainable Development and SME" Conference 2009: SEPT (Small Enterprise Promotion and Training) and IMRE (International Management of Resources and Environment), Leipzig, Germany, June 2009.
Torres, I.
Internacionalización de empresas proveedoras de tecnología: El caso de la industria minera chilena, presented at the XIII Conferencia ALTEC (Asociación Ibero-latinoamericana de Gestión y Transferencia de Tecnología), Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Cartagena de Indias, November 22-24, Colombia, 2009.
Dornberger, U. and Un Nabi, M. N.
A Capability-based Evolutionary Interpretation of Firm Internationalization: Empirical Test Results from Bangladesh, Vietnam, Bolivia and Ethiopia, 12th Anniversary McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Vaasa, Finland, 2009.
Dornberger, U. and Un Nabi, M. N.
Dynamics of Firm Internationalization through a Capability-based Evolutionary Lens, International Council of Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, Republic of Korea, 2009.
Dornberger, U. and Un Nabi, M. N.
Dynamic of Internationalization of Firms –A Study of Pharmaceuticals Firms from Bangladesh, Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 2009.
Rwehumbiza, D.
Tanzania’s Manufactured Exports to the European Union and Lessons for Future Trade Arrangements. Paper presented at the 5th Operations Research of Eastern Africa (ORSEA), International Conference, 2009, Dare es Salaam, Tanzania.
Dornberger, U. and Un Nabi, M. N.
Internationalization Dynamic of East German SMEs – A Capability-Based Approach, 15th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research, Tallinn, Estonia, 2008.
Dornberger, U. and Un Nabi, M. N.
Internationalization Dynamic of Eastern German SME's, International Council of Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, Halifax, Canada, 2008.
Sosa Noreña, A. and Dornberger, U.
Hidden Champions in Developing Countries, International Council of Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, Halifax, Canada, 2008.
Dornberger, U. and Un Nabi, M. N.
Internationalization Dynamic of East German SMEs, International Conference on Entrepreneurship in a Changing Europe, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2008.
Berrones, C. and Dornberger, U.
The Role of Business Incubators for the Financing of young SMEs in Mexico , Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference: International Entrepreneurship, Belfast, Ireland, UK, 2008.