As part of the Master's programme in Business Administration, the Chair of Human Resource Management offers three modules, with 10 credit points each:
Course "Personal- und Organisationsökonomik" (HRM 1) in the winter term
Course "Entgeltmanagement" (HRM 2) in the winter term
Course "Personalfunktionen" (HRM 3) in the summer term
Human Resource Management in the Master's programme
The three courses are independent of each other in terms of content. It is recommended to take the course HRM 1 first. Course enrollment is done centrally (AlmaWeb), not at the professorship. The courses HRM 1 and HRM 2 each contain a lecture (2 SWS), an exercise (2 SWS) and a seminar (2 SWS). The course HRM 3 contains a lecture (4 SWS) and an exercise (2 SWS).
For the lectures and exercises there are no seperate enrollments required at the professorship. Scripts for the lectures are available on the learning platform Moodle. The passwords for registering for the course on Moodle can be found in the course on AlmaWeb and in the showcase in front of room I453.
A separate registration at the chair is required for the seminars for the purpose of topic assignment. This will take place in the second week of lectures for the seminar HRM 1 and in the third week for the seminar HRM 2. Please note the additional information on Moodle or in the notice board. Information on the seminar, the topics regarding the term paper and additional literature references will be made available on Moodle or on the notice board before the start of the semester.
Courses in Master´s programme
Learn more about the different courses in the master´s programme.
This course consists of a lecture, a seminar and an exercise in the winter term.
In this course, the theoretical foundations for the analysis of organisation-theoretical or personnel-economic phenomena are taught. These consist of information economics, transaction cost theory, principal-agent theory, property rights theory, human capital theory, efficiency wage theory, and game theory. The analyses are complemented by interdisciplinary approaches that combine economic, sociological, and behavioral insights.
After active participation in this course, students will be able to apply theoretical approaches and models of human resource management and will be able to place them in a research- and practice-oriented context. Students will be able to compare, interpret and evaluate human resource management strategies. Based on this, they are able - individually and in teams - to interpret and justify the behaviours of economic subjects observable in practice, in particular of employees and employers, with the help of the theoretical foundations. On the basis of current challenges in personnel practice, they are able to examine the behavior of economic subjects on the labor markets in a scientifically sound manner and to present the findings in plenary and defend them in discourse.
The examination performance in the course personnel economics consists of a 60-minute written examination in the examination period (after the lecture period), which refers to contents of the lecture and the exercise, as well as a term paper with presentation (weighting 1:2).
Further and future information (including scripts) on the lecture, the seminar and the exercise will be made available on the learning platform Moodle (Faculty of Economics / Institute for Service and Relationship Management).
This module consists of a lecture, a seminar and an exercise in the winter term.
Remuneration Management is a central control instrument of human resources. In this course, alternatives of remuneration design are learned, evaluated and compared with regard to a desired degree of target achievement. The basics of remuneration design (e.g. dependency on requirements, performance or qualifications) are taught as well as the design of remuneration structures in companies at all levels, including the executive level. Modern variants of remuneration design are developed. In addition, the analysis of forms of remuneration applied in practice as well as additional personnel costs and ancillary wage costs will be dealt with.
After active participation in this course, students will be able to apply theoretical approaches and variants of pay design, especially in private-sector companies, and will be able to place them in the context of practice as well as to compare, interpret and evaluate the design of pay structures on the basis of theory. The students are able to analyze current issues in practical application contexts of compensation design and practice with the help of theoretical models and empirical findings, to develop scientifically based and justified approaches to solutions and to present and discuss the results in a plenary session.
The examination performance in the course consists of a 60-minute written examination in the examination period (after the lecture period), which refers to contents of the lecture and the exercise, as well as a presentation with written elaboration (weighting 1:1).
Further and future information (including scripts) on the lecture and the exercise will be made available to you on the Moodle learning platform (Faculty of Economics / Institute for Service and Relationship Management).
This course consists of a lecture and an exercise in the summer term.
In this course, students learn the typical personnel functions that are necessary in companies or in the public sector for an efficient allocation of human resources. The personnel functions include, among others, personnel recruitment, employment contract design, personnel planning (stock, demand, deployment), personnel development (training as well as further training) and personnel release. Aspects of co-determination are included, with particular reference to the Betriebsverfassungsgesetz (BetrVG) in Germany. In addition, various institutional arrangements for the fulfillment of functions will be reviewed, such as public and private employment agencies, employee leasing, etc.
After active participation in this course, students will be able to perform typical human resources functions and place them in their practical context. They are able to compare, interpret and evaluate selected business and human resource management strategies and instruments on the basis of scientific findings. Subsequently, the students are able to develop strategies for current problems of human resource management, both alone and in teams, and to derive scientifically based solutions as well as to present and defend their results in a plenary session.
The examination in the HRM 3 module consists of a 120-minute written exam.
Further and future information (including scripts) on the lecture and the exercise will be made available to you on the Moodle learning platform (Faculty of Economics / Institute for Service and Relationship Management).