The Master's degree programme comprises four semesters (two years) and ends with the degree Master of Science. The entry requirement is a vocational university degree. The Master’s degree in Business Information Systems builds on previously acquired knowledge and skills in the field of information systems. The core of the training is working with and on application systems for the commercial-administrative and industrial sectors. More information about the course of studies and how to apply for this degree programme can be found on the following page.

enlarge the image: Business Information Systems students simulate logistics processes.
Business Information Systems students simulate logistics processes. Photo: Christian Hüller / Leipzig University, SUK

Master of Science in Business Information Systems

The Master's degree programme builds on the content of a Bachelor's degree programme in Business Information Systems along the areas of internal and external application systems, integration engineering and service science as well as software engineering.

Students can flexibly adapt the content to their wishes and requirements. Among other things, they can choose from several compulsory elective modules in business information systems, management science or economics and computer science.

The high level of practical orientation prepares students for demanding subsequent work in the fields of management, consulting and development of companies. The close cooperation with partner companies from the region offers students the opportunity to network effectively at an early stage.

  • Completed qualification: Master of Science
  • Accreditation: accredited within the framework of the system accreditation of Leipzig University
  • Standard period of study: 4 semesters
  • Scope: 120 credit points
  • Start: Winter semester

The Master's degree programme in Business Information Science is modularised and follows a clear structure. Here compulsory modules with a total of 40 credit points and compulsory elective modules with a total of 30 credit points must be completed. In addition, there is also a 30 credit point free elective area in which any Master's modules from Leipzig University can be studied or which can be used for a semester abroad. The recommended study schedule including the overview of compulsory and elective modules can be downloaded here

Application requirements

  • first vocational university degree in business information systems or computer science or a comparable degree with predominantly business, business information systems or computer science knowledge
  • Language skills: English B2, German C1
  • Aptitude Test

Please refer to the Application section for the relevant application deadlines.

Logistics Living Lab - the logistics lab at the Information Systems Institute

m Logistics Living Lab können Studierende der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Informatik Beispiele für modernste Präsentationstechnik, Messgeräte, fahrerlose Transportsysteme, additive Fertigungsverfahren und Exponate aus den Bereichen Lastmile, AutoID/Sensorik und Augmented/Virtual Reality kennenlernen und für eigene Forschungsarbeiten nutzen.

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