Professor Dr. André Marchand holds the chair of Management Science/ Marketing and is director of the Institute of Service and Relationship Management at the Leipzig University since 2020. Previously, he was Professor of Marketing & Digital Environment at the University of Cologne. He regularly publishes his research in leading international scientific journals such as the Journal of Marketing, JAMS, JR, JSR and IJRM. In the current Handelsblatt ranking for business administration, Professor Marchand is among the top 10% most research-intensive business economists in German-speaking countries. He is also a member of the editorial boards of the IJRM, Journal of Interactive Marketing, and Journal of Media Economics. Several of his research projects have been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), among others. To expand knowledge transfer, he is involved in numerous research-practice collaborations and company start-ups during his academic career.
Professional career
- since 01/2000
-------Main activities------- - since 10/2020
Chair of Management Science/ Marketing, Leipzig University - 06/2017 - 09/2020
Professor of Marketing & Digital Environment, University of Cologne - 12/2011 - 05/2017
Assistant Professor, University of Münster - 07/2007 - 11/2011
Research Associate, Bauhaus University Weimar - since 01/2000
-------Secondary activities------- - since 02/2018
Adjunct Professor, University of Cologne Business School - since 10/2006
Management consultant (freelance) - 02/2024 - 03/2024
Visiting Professor, University of New South Wales, Australia - 02/2020 - 03/2020
Visiting Professor, University of Sydney, Australia - 10/2016 - 12/2016
Visiting Professor, Aston Business School Birmingham & Cass Business School London, UK
- 01/2012 - 01/2016
Habilitation, University of Münster - 12/2006 - 12/2011
PhD, Bauhaus University Weimar - 10/2002 - 10/2006
Diploma degree (Master equivalent), University of Cologne
Research focus
- Strategic Marketing
- Consumer Behavior
- Digital Transformation & Innovation
- New Media & Entertainment Science (e.g., video games, movies, social media)
- DFG project: The Success Formula for Hedonic MediaMarchand, AndréDuration: 10/2020 – ongoingFunded by: DFG Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: BWL/Marketing
- Schoendeling, A.; Burmester, A. B. B.; Edeling, A.; Marchand, A.; Clement, M.Marvelous advertising returns? A meta-analysis of advertising elasticities in the entertainment industryJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2023. pp. 1019–1045.
- Marchand, A.; Hennig-Thurau, T.; Flemming, J.Social media resources and capabilities as strategic determinants of social media performanceInternational Journal of Research in Marketing. 2021. 38 (3). pp. 549–571.
- Marchand, A.; Marx, P.Automated Product Recommendations with Preference-Based ExplanationsJournal of Retailing. 2020. 96 (3). pp. 328–343.
- Marchand, A.The power of an installed base to combat lifecycle decline: The case of video gamesInternational Journal of Research in Marketing. 2016. 33 (1). pp. 140–154.
- Marchand, A.Can Automated Group Recommender Systems Help Consumers Make Better Choices?Journal of Marketing. 2012. 76 (5). pp. 89–109.DOI: 10.1509/jm.10.0537
- Marketing (BA)
- Product management (MA)
- Consumer behavior (MA)
- Marketing research (MA)
- Marketing management (MBA)
- PhD seminar (Dr.)
- And more
Strategisches Marketing Konsumentenverhalten Digitale Transformation & Innovation New Media & Entertainment Science (z.B. Videospiele, Spielfilme, Social Media)
Contact for media inquiries
Phone: +49 341 97-33750