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The International Conferencde on Business Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik) is the most important academic conference in the German-speaking countries and comprises 19 academic tracks as well as numerous workshops and panels. Between September 16 and 19, 2024, the conference will be organized at the University of Würzburg ( The call for papers is shown below and the submission deadline is March 15, 2024.


Call for Papers
Practice Track: Innovative Prototypes & Impact of IS
19th International Conference on Business Informatics, University of Würzburg, 16.-19.09.2024

1. Track description
Prototypes are key elements for designing and implementing information systems (IS) that yield benefits for their users. They reflect the principles of design science whereas building information systems is not an objective in itself but a means to positively impact organizational, individual, and societal values. In view of digitalization and novel technologies such as generative artificial intelligence, IS are increasingly relevant in a societal context, for example, in shaping public administration and in meeting the UN's sustainability goals. In developing such information systems, prototypical approaches, such as design or hybrid thinking, are often used to demonstrate and evaluate the underlying innovative idea to the relevant stakeholders at an early stage. However, the benefits are often neglected compared to the costs, and prototypes often fail to achieve their intended effect in practice. The Practice Track addresses application-oriented contributions from research and practice, Conceptual approaches, field reports, and case studies of realized prototypes should all be given equal consideration.

2. Track topics
The topics of the track include in particular:
- Prototypes based on innovative technologies and/or use cases
- Factors of success and failure in the introduction of innovative prototypes
- Use of prototypes and value assessment in development methods
- Innovative approaches to develop business-oriented prototypes
- Methods for determining the impact of IS on users, organizations, and society
- Linking benefits and risks in information systems deployment and implementation
- Theories, methods, and tools to support benefit assessment of prototypes and information systems
- Measurement of (digital) innovation and its effectiveness
- Discussion of transformation of specific industries (e.g., financial or health industry)

Please note that all contributions in this track require some form of prototype. This can be, for example, a prototype that is designed or evaluated in the research project. We also welcome research, for example, on methods for developing prototypes or measuring the impact of prototypes. In case of doubt, please approach one of the track chairs to discuss your paper.

3. Relevant information
- Submission deadline: 15.03.2024
- Submission templates:
- Paper formats: Completed research (12 pages), Research-in-progress (6 pages)
- Language: English or German

4. Track chairs
- Rainer Alt (Leipzig University, Germany)
- Susanne Leist (University of Regensburg, Germany)
- Stefan Morana (Saarland University, Germany)