The research of the Chair of Management Science/Marketing is theoretically based and empirically oriented with relevance for companies and consumers. The following diagram visualizes central current research focus with 2-3 examples each.

Research Focus


  • Marchand, André and Nicolas R. Weber (2024), “How Movie Star Power Drives Video Game Success,” The Mallen Screen Entertainment Conference, Cambridge, UK.
  • Marchand, André, Andrea Holler, and Theresa Dünschede (2024), “ Influencer Gifting as New Form of Advertising,” Proceedings of the 53th EMAC Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania: European Marketing Academy.
  • Marchand, André, Andrea Schöndeling, and Theresa Dünschede (2024), “Consumer Perceptions of Influencer Gifting,” Proceedings of the 2024 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA: American Marketing Association.
  • Dünschede, Theresa, André Marchand, and Marius Lüdicke (2024), “A Bibliometric Analysis of Qualitative Research,” Proceedings of the 2024 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA: American Marketing Association.
  • Keller, Alisa, Dirk Totzek, Alexander Keller, and André Marchand (2022), “A Risky Sense of Comfort? How Device Type Affects Decision Quality and Product Returns in E-Commerce,” Proceedings of the 51th EMAC Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary: European Marketing Academy.
  • Keller, Alisa, Dirk Totzek, Alexander Keller and André Marchand (2022), “A Risky Sense of Comfort? How Device Type Affects Decision Quality and Product Returns in E-Commerce,” Marketing Theory and Applications (Proceedings of the 2022 AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference), Las Vegas, USA: American Marketing Association.
  • Weber, Nicolas Robin and André Marchand (2021), “Analyzing drivers of digital home video success,” Proceedings of the 12th EMAC Regional Conference, Warsaw, Poland: European Marketing Academy.
  • Schöndeling, Andrea, Alexander Edeling, Alexa B. Burmester, André Marchand, and Michel Clement (2021), “Marvelous Advertising Returns? A Meta-Analysis on Advertising Elasticities in the Entertainment Industry,” Proceedings of the 50th EMAC Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain: European Marketing Academy.
  • Marchand, André, Martin P. Fritze, Andreas B. Eisingerich, and Martin Benkenstein (2020), “Psychological Ownership of Access-Based Services,” Proceedings of the 49th EMAC Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary: European Marketing Academy.
  • Schöndeling, Andrea, André Marchand, Elena Gros, David Schaeffer, and Sascha D. Kirsch (2020), “Revisiting the Phenomenon of ‘Going Green to Be Seen’ with Actual Consumption,” Proceedings of the 49th EMAC Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary: European Marketing Academy.
  • Dizdarevic, Amela, Heiner Evanschitzky, Christof Backhaus, and André Marchand (2019), “Digital Resources as Competitive Advantage in Traditional Retailing: Capabilities, Applications and Performances,” Proceedings of the British Academy of Management Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK (Best Paper Award Winner).
  • Eisingerich, Andreas B., André Marchand, Martin P. Fritze, and Lin Dong (2019), “Hook vs. Hope: How to Enhance Customer Engagement Through Gamification,” Proceedings of the 81th BWL Annual Conference, Rostock, Germany: VHB.
  • Marchand, André, Martin P. Fritze, Andreas B. Eisingerich, and Lin Dong (2019), “Gamification Principles to Enhance Customer Engagement and Stimulate Purchase: More than Mere Compulsion,” Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Annual Conference, Hamburg, Germany: European Marketing Academy.
  • Marchand, André, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Jan Flemming (2018), “Do Firms Need New Strategic Resources in a Digital Environment?” Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland: European Marketing Academy.
  • Marchand, André and Paul Marx (2018), “Automated Product Recommendations with Preference-Based Explanations,” Interactive Marketing Research Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Marchand, André, Stephanie Feiereisen, Vince Mitchell, and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (2017), “Consumer Confinement in Airline Travel,” Proceedings of the 46th EMAC Annual Conference, Groningen, Netherlands: European Marketing Academy.
  • Feiereisen, Stephanie, Vince Mitchell, André Marchand, and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (2017), “Consumer Confinement: Conceptualization and Correlates,” Proceeding of the ACR Latin America Conference, Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
  • Marchand, André, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Caroline Wiertz (2016), “How consumer reviews and social media posts affect new product success,” Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway: European Marketing Academy.
  • Knapp, Ann-Kristin, André Marchand, and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (2016), “How to Survive in a Digital World? A Comprehensive Analysis of Success Factors for Brick-and-Mortar Retail Stores,” Proceedings of the 44th AMS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, USA: Academy of Marketing Science.
  • Marchand, André, Michael Paul, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Georg Puchner (2016), “Affection or Money: What Really Drives Customer Loyalty?” Marketing Theory and Applications (Proceedings of the 2016 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference), 27, Las Vegas, USA: American Marketing Association.
  • Marx, Paul and André Marchand (2016), “Automated Product Recommendations and Personalized Explanations for Consumers in the Digital Era,” Marketing Theory and Applications (Proceedings of the 2016 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference), 27, Las Vegas, USA: American Marketing Association.
  • Marchand, André, Ann-Kristin Knapp, and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (2015), “Saving the Main Street: How Can Brick-and-Mortar Retail Stores Survive in an Online World?” Proceedings of the 44th EMAC Annual Conference, Leuven, Belgium: European Marketing Academy.
  • Marchand, André (2014), “Do Multiplayer Features Influence the Short- and Long-Term Success of Video Games?” International Conference on the Social Aspects of Digital Gaming, Münster: European Communication Research and Education Association.
  • Marchand, André and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (2014), “What Makes a Video Game Hit? An Empirical Investigation of Three Console Platforms,” Proceedings of the 43th EMAC Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain: European Marketing Academy.
  • Marx, Paul and André Marchand (2014), “Eliciting Attribute-based Preferences from Scarce Big Datasets,” Proceedings of the 43th EMAC Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain: European Marketing Academy.
  • Marchand, André and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (2014), “Do Video Games Turn Us into Killers?” Marketing Theory and Applications (Proceedings of the 2014 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, TechSIG: Games, Gaming and Gamification), 25, Orlando, FL, USA: American Marketing Association.
  • Gruschwitz, Sabine, André Marchand, and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (2013), “Effects of Product Placements on Consumers’ Evaluations of the Placed Product and the Host Media Program,” Marketing Theory and Applications (Proceedings of the 2013 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference), 24, Las Vegas, USA: American Marketing Association.
  • Marchand, André and Jutta Emes (2012), “The Customer is Always Right – Critical Product Evaluations and Reactions of Concerned Companies,” Proceedings of the third Rostock Conference on Service Research, Rostock, Germany.
  • Marchand, André and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (2011), “Can Automated Recommender Systems Lead to Better Group Decisions?” Marketing Theory and Applications (Proceedings of the 2011 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference), 22, Austin, TX, USA: American Marketing Association.
  • Speidel, Silke and André Marchand (2011), “Understanding Sustainable Decision-Making of Young Consumers,” Advances in Consumer Research, 39, 778-779, Proceedings of the 2011 North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, St. Louis, MO, USA: Association for Consumer Research.
  • Marx, Paul, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and André Marchand (2010), “Increasing Consumers’ Understanding of Recommender Results: A Preference-based Hybrid Algorithm with Strong Explanatory Power,” Proceedings of the fourth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems – RecSys’10, 297-300, Barcelona, Spain: ACM Press.
  • Marchand, André (2017), "Multiplayer Features and Game Success," in: Thorsten Quandt & Rachel Kowert (Ed.): New Perspectives on the Social Aspects of Digital Gaming: Multiplayer 2, Routledge, 210 Seiten.
  • Marchand, André (2016), “Entertainment Media Marketing: Key Drivers of Motion Picture and Video Game Success,” Habilitationsschrift, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 158 Seiten.

  • Marchand, André (2011), "Empfehlungssysteme für Gruppen: Entscheidungsunterstützung für den gemeinsamen Konsum hedonischer Produkte," Dissertation, Lohmar-Köln: EUL-Verlag, 308 Seiten.

  • Marchand, André (2006), „Die Wirkung der Kommunikationspolitik auf den Erfolg von Spielfilmen,” Diplomarbeit, München: Grin-Verlag, 77 Seiten.

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