Institute of Service and Relationship Management


Welcome to the website of the Institute for Service and Relationship Management (ISRM).

Professur Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing

How Generative AI is changing the rules of the game in marketing - guest article in Horizont

Together with two senior managers from BearingPoint, Prof. Marchand discusses how Generative AI can help companies evolve their communication policies.

Professur Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing

Does awareness of one's own mortality influence consumer behavior?

The awareness of one’s own mortality can be present to different degrees in different individuals. Through news and social media, people today can witness how others are in mortal danger or die, whether from accidents, wars, terrorist attacks, murders, natural disasters, or diseases. For example,…

Professur Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing

Successful doctorate of Dr. Schöndeling

We warmly congratulate Dr. Schöndeling on completing her PhD with distinction!

Institut für Service und Relationship

New Doctoral Workshops

We are pleased to offer you two new PhD workshops (in Zoom).

Mon, 24 Oct 2022, from 18:00-19:30: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Richard T. Gretz from the University of Texas at San Antonio, USA on "Advanced Econometrics". (This workshop is about endogeneity and ways to address it, e.g. IV methods & control…


The Institute for Service and Relationship Management unites a total of five professorships. We cordially invite you to get to know the different professorships!


Computergrafik: Vogelperspektive aus dem All auf die Erde, wo ein Teil Europas zu erkennen ist. Darüber liegen weiße Punkte in unterschiedlicher Größe und lockerer Anordnung, die miteinander verbunden sind.

Publications & Projects

Learn more about our research projects, cooperations and the publications published at the Institute.

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