Here you will find information on advertised topics for theses, on past theses, and advice on the application process and on writing scientific papers.

Advertised Theses

Ausschreibung Masterarbeit Carbon Footprint in der Produktion

PPU Umwelttechnik ist ein verfahrenstechnisches Unternehmen, das im Umweltbereich arbeitet. Wir vertreiben unsere Produkte weltweit und sind mit einigen Produkten Marktführer. Neben der Herstellung und Entwicklung passgenauer und leistungsfähiger Module sind wir bestrebt, den CO2-Fußabdruck sowohl in der Fertigung als auch unserer Produkte zu minimieren. Die Fragestellungen und Aufgaben, die in der Masterarbeit bearbeitet werden sollen, sind:

  • Auswahl einiger Produkte aus dem PPU Portfolio, von denen der CO2-Fußabdruck bestimmt werden soll
  • Literaturrecherche über die Bestimmung des CO2-Fußabdrucks bei wasserwirtschaftlichen Produkten
  • Bestimmung des CO2-Fußabdrucks der ausgewählten Produkte
  • Ermittlung der Baukomponenten, die maßgeblich für den CO2-Ausstoß sind
  • Vorschläge für die Reduzierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks der ausgewählten Produkte

Die Bearbeitung wird in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Infrastruktur und Ressourcenmanagement, Universität Leipzig durchgeführt. Eine ständige Anwesenheit am Standort Bayreuth ist nicht notwendig. Besuche zum Kennenlernen der Produktion sowie der ausgewählten Produkte und Absprachen über Arbeitsinhalte sind jedoch erforderlich.
Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich gern an:
Kontakt bei PPU:
Dr.-Ing. Sabine Düreth-Joneck
0151 6290372
Betreuung am Institut für Infrastruktur und Ressourcenmanagement (IIRM):
Dr.-Ing. Sabine Lautenschläger
0176 43235881
Stand 07. Februar 2022

PDF 588 KB

Abschlussarbeit (MA oder BA) Nachhaltigkeitsmonitoring der Lieferkette von Photovoltaik (PV) Produkten

Bitterfeld-Wolfen, 12. April 2022
Die Hanwha Q CELLS GmbH beabsichtigt eine Abschlussarbeit (Bachelor/Master) zu verge-
ben, mit Möglichkeit zur Anstellung als Werksstudent im Bereich Global Quality Management.
Sie sind Bachelor/Master-Student der Fachrichtung Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement, Umwelt-
management, Umwelttechnik oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen und möchten das Thema Nach-
haltigkeit und Lieferantenmanagement im Kontext einer global Wertschöpfungskette von Pho-
tovoltaik Produkten z.B. Solarmodulen untersuchen.
Ziel: Aufbau eines Nachhaltigkeitsmonitorings der Lieferkette von PV Produkten
Welche Aufgaben erwarten Sie:
• Sie analysieren und bewerten die Anforderungen unserer Kunden und Stakeholder mit
dem Ziel eine nachhaltige Lieferkette für PV Produkte aufzubauen u.a. mit dem
Schwerpunkten Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) und Rückverfolgbarkeit von kri-
tischen Rohmaterialien.
• Sie analysieren und bewerten bestehende Methoden und Software Lösungen hinsicht-
lich ihrer Anwendbarkeit im o.g. Kontext.
• Die Erarbeitung von Vorschlägen zur Ergänzung des bestehenden implementierten In-
tegrierten Managementsystems (IMS) gehört zu Ihren Aufgaben.
• Sie erstellen die notwendigen Grundlagen und wirken bei der Ermittlung von Nachhal-
tigkeits-Kennzahlen (KPIs) mit.
• Sie unterstützen bei standortübergreifenden Prozess-Analysen, bei Lieferantenaudits
und stoßen Verbesserungsmaßnahmen an.
Wurde Ihr Interesse zur Verwirklichung einer besseren Zukunft geweckt?
Bewerben Sie sich für Ihre Herausforderung bei:
Dr. Enrico Thomas E-Mail:
Ihr Q CELLS Team

Rewilding vs management for biodiversity: Using a demographic forest model to support conservation planning in the Leipzig Floodplain forest

MSc thesis in forest modelling offered at iDiv Rewilding vs management for biodiversity: Using a demographic forest model to support conservation planning in the Leipzig Floodplain forest The Leipzig Floodplain forest has recently gained national and international prominence as a focal area of an intense debate on suitable strategies for protecting forest biodiversity. As forest under multiple protection schemes, the Leipzig Floodplain forest is considered by some as predestined for realizing a comprehensive rewilding strategy. This is in contrast to the existing FFH management plan which provides options for forest management to promote light-demanding characteristic floodplain tree species such as oak and ash. The problem of designing an optimal conservation strategy is aggravated by three anthropogenic drivers that fundamentally change ecological system dynamics: an artificially altered flooding regime, invasive pathogens, and climate change (Wirth et al. 2021). In collaboration with the head of the Leipzig City Forest Department, Andreas Sickert, the MSc thesis will parameterize a forest succession model (Purves et al. 2008, Rüger et al. 2020) for the Leipzig Floodplain forest. The model simulates the dynamics of unevenaged mixed-species forest stands driven by competition for light based on a small set of demographic rates (growth, mortality, recruitment) which can directly be derived from forest inventory data (Purves et al. 2008). Forest inventory data and tree ring data are available from the “Lebendige Luppe” project (UFZ) and Uni Leipzig and allow (at least partially) deriving the effects of groundwater depth, invasive pathogens, forest management, and climate on the demographic rates of the main tree species. The model will be used to explore the following questions to support optimal forest management under uncertainty: (1) What are expected trajectories of forest structure and species composition under the status quo and potential changes of the flooding regime, the prevalence of invasive pathogens, the forest management, and the climate? (2) Which are the best management options to maintain the characteristic hardwood floodplain tree species, especially oak? When: flexible, could be started immediately Contact: Dr. Nadja Rüger, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-JenaLeipzig, Puschstr. 4, 04103 Leipzig, Tel: 0341-9733168, References: Purves et al. 2008. Predicting and understanding forest dynamics using a simple tractable model. PNAS 105, 17018–17022. Rüger et al. 2020. Demographic trade-offs predict tropical forest dynamics. Science 368, 165–168. Wirth et al. 2021. Naturschutz und Klimawandel im Leipziger Auwald. Biologie in unserer Zeit 51, 55-65.

Completed Theses


  • Urban environmental protection and environmental justice
  • Use of environmental management systems by housing companies and effects on their handling of rainwater
  • Rainwater harvesting as a solution to water scarcity in rural areas
    rural areas
  • Climate neutrality in the value-added process of plastics through circular economy


  • Comparison of founding statutes of selected municipalities with the aim of effectiveness and efficiency in urban rainwater management
  • Influence of green roofs and facades on the CO2 neutrality of buildings and districts comparison of the additional costs and the achievable energy savings with different energy supply variants using the example of Leipzig 416
  • A comparison of the proportion of gray energy in the insulation material categories - renewable, mineral, synthetic -
    related to their energetic amortization with subsequent economic analysis


  •  Development of a decision matrix for the economic and sustainable use of materials in manhole structures in sewer construction
  • Comparative analysis of the implementation of municipal flood protection measures
    heavy precipitation

  • Investigation of operational and
    external effects of green roofs

  •  Possible approaches to assessing the sustainability performance of BlueGreen infrastructures


  •  Standardization and implementation approach for the application of eco-design in companies
  •  Utilization potentials of treated wastewater in Germany


  •  Circular economy 4.0 - inventory and development perspectives
  •  Economic aspects of biowaste collection by public waste management authorities in Saxony with regard to the quality of the collected biowaste.
  •  Water for all? An investigation of equity aspects in water law.


  •  Risk analysis in the context of water asset management - ways to prioritize measures for network preservation.


  •  Suitability of parameters for measuring and evaluating physical infrastructure.
  •  Eco Industrial Parks between aspiration and reality.


  •  Water Sensitive Urban Design - potential and optimal applicability.


  •  Sardar Sarovar Development Project - "Temple of Modern India" or socio-ecological blow?


  •  The relevance of local water sources for the Brazilian city of Sao Lourenco and the consequences of their increasing privatization.
  •  Sustainable drinking water supply? A qualitative analysis using the example of Paraguay.



  • Corporate Sustainability Practices amongst micro-enterprises in the coffee shop sector in Europe
  • Financing of integral measures for Sustainable rainwater management in public spaces
  • Can Giveaway Shops Help Advance the Circular Economy and Influence Slow Fashion in a City?
  • Life cycle assessment-based Absolute Environmental Sustainability Assessment in the construction industry using the example of a stormwater management system
  • A systemic analysis of sustainability learning in Higher Education Institutions. A case study from the French speaking region of Switzerland
  • Environmental policy instrument mix to substantially reduction of agricultural nitrate and phosphorus inputs to groundwater in groundwater and running waters in Germany


  •  Comparison of the ecological criteria of the four sustainability reporting systems Global Reporting Initiative, Global Compact, Gemeinwohl-Bilanz, and German Sustainability Codex
  •  Assessment approaches of ecosystem services for decentralized rainwater management within urban areas
  • Pricing the externalities: comperative case of fast fashion industry with sustainable practices in austria
  • Assesing the ECO-Efficiency of Rainwater Harvasting Technologies
  • Discourse analysis of incumbent fossil fuel producers regarding the low-carbon energy transition.



  •  Factors influencing yard use in existing residential areas


  • Evaluation and application of a multi-criteria method for sustainability assessment of a resource-based wastewater treatment system
  • Challenges for developing sustainability in Saint Petersburg: looking at existing strategies, goals and indicators compared to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Cross-sectional correlation analysis of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Variation in synergies and trade-offs globally, within income-based and regional groups as well as disaggregated SDG indicators.
  • The economic value of direct water uses and the Water Framework Directive: the case of cooling water for nuclear power plants on the Rhône


  • The influence of product-related environmental information on consumer behavior. Plausibility test for the product group small wastewater treatment plants.
  • Analyzing transition dynamics in Ghana's urban water and sanitation sector: the role of grassroots movements.
  • Validation and further development of methods for the analysis and monitoring tool "Nachhaltigkeitscontrolling siedlungswasserwirtschaftlicher Systeme (NaCoSi)" using the example of the Westsächsische Abwasserentsorgungs- und Dienstleistungsgesellschaft (WAD GmbH).
  • Towards a Fact-based Circular Economy - Exploring and Evaluating Business Showcases of the Circular Economy Industry Platform.
  • Water Asset Management for Small and Medium Enterprises in Urban Water Management.
  • A Meta-Analysis of Risk Assessment: The Case of Unexploded Ordnance in the Marine Environment.
  • Perspectives on Plastic Recycling as a Result of the Increase in the Recycling Quota for Plastic Packaging by the New Packaging Act in Germany.
  • Ex-ante Sustainability Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Management Innovations Under the Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis Framework.
  • Systemic Feasibility Analysis for Floating Solar Farms on Inland Artificial Water Reservoirs in Colombia.
  • A comparative life cycle assessment study on the jacket and monopile foundations: a case study in the German offshore wind farm Baltic II.
  • Possibilities and limitations of group plants in CCGT solutions – mass compatible solution or niche product?
  • Culture and Interim Spaces: Interrelations Within Urban Development.
  • Justifying Exceptions on the Grounds of Disproportionate Costs in the Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive – An Analysis of the Leipzig Approaches.
  • Optimization of a vehicle fleet considering the increased use of electric vehicles.
  • Prospects for plastic recycling as a result of the increase in the recycling quota for plastic packaging by the new Packaging Act in Germany - an analysis of the players in the dual system and recycling companies.
  • Value creation through sustainability using the example of a life cycle assessment of the SMARTWELD JET preheater burner   
  • The role of the informal sector in waste management in Hanoi, Vietnam


  • The influence of sustainability in water asset management.
  • Decision support model for investment decisions on wastewater treatment plants based on Bayesian networks.
  • Barriers and Opportunities for Climate Adaptation Planning in German and Austrian Municipalities.


  • Factors influencing the use of decentralized stormwater management in the commercial sector.
  • Nature and Environment in Economic Accounting.
  • Plastic loads in urban rivers using the Parthe River in Saxony as an example.
  • Recommendations for evaluating grid-connected sites for energy generation from photovoltaics using the example of PV@Site at Vattenfall Europe Innovation GmbH.
  • Logistical challenges of municipal collection and disposal of electrical waste equipment under the ElektroG2 - a case study in cooperation with Stadtreinigung Leipzig.
  • The concept of sustainability - analysis of the World Bank guidelines and their implementation regarding "sustainable sanitation".


  • Sustainable Innovations in Mobility Areas - Analysis of Living Labs' Approaches for the Establishment of Urban Mobility Labs in Austria.
  • Implementing payments for watershed services: an analysis of the role of secure land tenure.
  • On using the synergistic effects of preventive quality methods to create a holistic approach to product development.
  • Investigation of interactions between economic efficiency and robustness as sub-goals for sustainable water supply.
  • Shedding Light on Corporate Sustainability Ratings: A Comparative Study.
  • Sustainable Nutrition in Germany - Developments to Date and Current Challenges.


  • Investigating the time dimension and intensity of change processes in water management.
  • The Integration of Social Sustainability Aspects in Sustainable Infrastructure Projects.
  • Integrating the Concept of Ecosystem Services in Urban Planning: A Case Study of Singapore.


  • Collaboration Among German Civil Society Organizations for Rural Health in Guatemala.
  • Detection of the needs of energy-intensive industries concerning ecologically sustainable products and the deduction of possible product solutions.
  • Basic evaluation of technical possibilities, influencing factors, strategies and possible consequences of the decentralization of rainwater drainage.
  • Implementing Industrial Ecology through Eco-Industrial Parks - Critical Analysis of the Realization Level in Germany.
  • Use of rainwater as cooling water in open cooling towers - technical feasibility and economic efficiency.
  • The Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) as a core element of the EMAS Regulation - assessment of a CIP using the example of environmental management at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ).
  • From "basic need" to "human right": recognizing water as a human right - the global challenge of the 21st century.

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