On 01 June 2023, the Competence Centre for Digital and Digitally Supported Teaching in Business Studies, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), was officially launched. The Institute of Business and Economics Education at the Leipzig University is part of the competence centre, which is made up of a total of 14 leading university locations across Germany.
Under the direction of Prof. Jens Klusmeyer (University of Kassel), the competence centre is researching evidence-based digital and hybrid learning environments as well as digitally supported teaching and learning processes in the field of economics within the framework of the joint project "Business Education and Economic Education: Teacher Education and Digital Teaching (WÖRLD)". The aim is to promote the digitisation-related competence development of teachers across all three phases of teacher education.
The Institute for Business and Economics Education under the direction of Prof. Dr. Roland Happ and the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd represented by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Josef Guggemos are participating in WÖRLD with the sub-project "KIWi-MOOC - A Massive Open Online Course to promote and record AI competences in the domain of business". The main objective of the sub-project is to promote the competences of business teachers in the application of artificial intelligence through the development of innovative teaching-learning concepts and to evaluate the achieved competence gains. The Leipzig location receives financial support of 281,659 EUR from the BMBF. The duration of the project is from June 2023 to December 2025.