- since 2018
Assistant professor for environmental and energy economics at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science at the University of Leipzig in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig (Germany) - since 2017
Head of the Junior Research Group "Sustainable Deployment of Renewable Energies with Multiple Environmental Impacts - Policy Strategies to mitigate Ecological Trade-offs of the Energy Transition", University Leipzig (Germany) - 2009-2017
Research Fellow, Department of Economics, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig (Germany) (2013-2017: Spokesman of the interdisciplinary Working Group Energy cross-cutting UFZ social science departments) - 2016
Visiting Researcher, Institute for New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford (UK) - 2010
Dr. rer. pol. (equiv. Ph.D. in Economics), Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)- Grade: Summa cum laude
- Thesis: “Using a Policy Mix to Combat Climate Change – An Economic Evaluation of Policies in the German Electricity Sector”
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hansjürgens; Second Referee: Prof. Dr. Ahlert
- 2006-2009
Scholarship candidate of the Foundation of German Business (Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft), Department of Economics, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig (Germany) - 2005
Visiting Researcher, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC (USA) - 2004-2005
Research Assistant, Department of Economics, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig (Germany) - 1998-2004
Diplom-Betriebswirt (equiv. MBA), University of Leipzig (Germany)- Grade: 1.3 (1.0 maximum)
- Thesis: „An Economic Evaluation of the U.S. Conservation Reserve Program“
- Erasmus student at Universidad de Deusto, San Sebastian (Spain), 10/2000 – 08/2001
Frank, D., Schmid, E., Bauknecht, D., Epp, J., Lehmann, P., Reutter, F., Scheidler, V., Vogel, M., Wingenbach, M., (2022). „Zielkonflikte im energiepolitischen Zielviereck: Die dezentrale Energiewende zwischen Gerechtigkeit, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Versorgungssicherheit und Umweltschutz“. Germanwatch Diskussionspapier.
Gawel, E., Lehmann, P., Purkus, A., Söderholm, P., Strunz, S. (2022). “Security of Supply as a Political Bargaining Issue: Why Germany Opted Against Capacity Markets”. Energy Research & Social Science, 86, Article 102321.
Grafström, J., Söderholm, P., Gawel., E., Lehmann, P., Strunz, S. (2022). “Government Support to Renewable Energy R&D: Drivers and Strategic Interactions among EU Member States”. Economics of Innovation and New Technology.
Lehmann, P., Gawel, E., Geiger, C., Hauck, J., Meier, J.-N., Tafarte, P., Thrän, D., Wolfram, E. (2022). „Der Windenergie an Land ausreichend Flächen bereitstellen“. MultiplEE Policy Brief.
Weinand, J., Naber, E., McKenna, R., Lehmann, P., Kotzur, L., Stolten, D. (2022). “Historic drivers of onshore wind power and inevitable future trade-offs”. Environmental Research Letters.
„Europa geht die Luft aus“ (by Stehle, A.), ZEIT Online, 17 June 2022.
„Alles auf Abstand - Wie die Länder die Energiewende ausbremsen“, ARD Kontraste, 16 June 2022.
„Wind-an-Land-Gesetz“, Lage der Nation LdN 293, 9 June 2022.
„Windkraft schafft Konflikte in Bundesländern“ (by Zaremba, N.), Tagesspiegel Background, 8 June 2022.
„Sachsen beschließt Abstandsregel für Windkraftanlagen – Grüne stimmen zu“ (by Kiel, V.), Spiegel Online, 1 June 2022.
„Hauptversammlung Nordex – Standort Rostock wird ins Ausland verlagert“ (by Schröder, A.), Deutschlandfunk, 31 May 2022.
„Nordex Rostock: Werksschließung beschlossene Sache“, NDR, 25 May 2022.
„Fünf Ideen der Uni Leipzig: So kann an Land deutlich mehr Windenergie gewonnen werden“, MDR, 5 May 2022.
„Windkraft-Gesetz nimmt Konturen an“ (by Hanke, S.), Tagesspiegel Background, 4 May 2022.
„Ein Windrad vor jeder Haustür?“ (by Crysmann, T.), t-online.de, 13 January 2022.