ACCESS Research Conference 2024 in Tunisia
ACCESS Research Conference and Summer School 2024 in Tunisia
The second ACCESS Summer School and Research Conference in 2024 will be hosted by the Tunis University and will take place from 01st – 05th of October 2024 in Tunis, Tunisia. The conference will be held under the theme “Graduate Unemployment in Africa: Towards a Shift in Paradigm”. The event is funded by DAAD with financial support from the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Specific fields of interest for conference papers will be the following:
Theme 1: The impact of education on economic growth: economic growth, wealth creation and individual well-being.
Theme 2: The paradigm shift in African higher education systems: from massification of university systems to quality training.
Theme 3 Demographic, economic, political, urban, etc. transition and characterization of paradoxical unemployment in African countries.
Theme 4: academic training, university intermediation, international migration and recruitment strategies of national and international firms for higher education graduates.
Theme 5: Entrepreneurship and graduate unemployment.
Theme 6: Graduate unemployment and regional issues in African countries.
Theme 7: Graduate unemployment and social movements, particularly after the Arab Spring.
Theme 8: Matching quality training and employability in African university systems.
Theme 9: Policies to promote employability in African countries.
Theme10: Emerging sectors and employability: smart cities, green and circular economy, blue economy, NTIC, AI.