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Our African Centre for Career Enhancement & Skills Support (ACCESS) consortium will be holding an international academic conference and summer school in Hammamet, Tunisia, from October 1 to 5, under the theme: Graduate unemployment in Africa: towards a paradigm shift.

The conference, which will bring ACCESS’ research program (2020-2024) to a successful closure, will focus on the need to revisit economic and other theoretical foundations, in order to update the link between improving the levels of education, particularly university education, of a country’s human resources, and economic growth and development, in African countries.

It will also analyze the problems associated with university training in African Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), the inadequacy of course selection, and the quality of higher education, all of which contribute to massive graduate unemployment. The conference will also consider how to redefine and contextualize the concept of employability in Africa.

All information about the conference

Learn more about the African Centre for Career Enhancement & Skills Support (ACCESS)