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As a preliminary to the shortly starting ACCESS conference and summer school in Abuja (Nigeria), we have asked some attendees – among them ACCESS team members and PhDs – about their thoughts and expectations about the upcoming event.

Learn more here: African Centre for Career Enhancement & Skills Support

ACCESS Summer School and Employability Conference 2023 in Nigeria

The second ACCESS Summer School in 2023 will be hosted by the University of Ibadan and will take place from 30th of July – 05th of August 2023 in Abuja, Nigeria. The event is funded by DAAD with financial support from the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The Summer School 2023 in Nigeria will integrate two parts: The first part will be an Employability Conference, that is led under the topic “Cultivating New Frontiers in Employability Research for Skills and Career Enhancement” and will include activities like Keynote speeches and practical experience sharing among the participants.

The second part will be focussing on several Summer School workshop sessions, that will foster interactive sessions among the participants and intend to gain new insights about themes like alumni management, the usage of e-coaching and e-teaching methods, methods of soft skills development and the dynamics of employability research.