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Most recently, a research article in the field of International entrepreneurship has been published by Christopher Boafo, Prof. Alexis Catanzaro and Prof. Utz Dornberger (SEPT Competence Center, Leipzig University). The topic is about: “ International entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa: interfirm coordination and local economy dynamics in the informal economy”.

The International Labor Organization (2020) estimates that eight out of ten enterprises (i.e. own-account workers and small economic units) are informal worldwide. However, less is known about the internationalization of informal enterprises. Here, it is argued that economic blocs, such as sub-Saharan Africa, with a greater proportion of informal enterprises, may provide broader societal legitimacy for them to operate internationally.

Thus, informal firms would need to collaborate with other firms to overcome their resource constraints. Geographic colocation is one way to facilitate positive interfirm interactions that promote networking and subsequently cooperation.

The purpose of this paper is, thus, to addresses two questions. Firstly, how and to what extent does interfirm marketing cooperation in geographic colocation influence the internationalization of micro and small informal manufacturing enterprises? Secondly, how do the perceived benefits of local external economies moderate this relationship?

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