Here you find all relevant information on the Erasmus seminar: International Trade Theory.
This course is only open to exchange students.
Description: This seminar discusses theoretical trade models from traditional over new trade to new new trade thory. Topics of economic interaction between sovereign states like international trade policies such as the nature of the international adjustment mechanism and the merits of free trade compared with protections are dealt with. Students learn about strategic trade policies as well as about industrial location decisions based on market structure.
Format: Two introductory lectures. Then, each week, one topic is discussed by all seminar participants. Each student is required to...
read in advance the relevant literature to be discussed in class,
participate regularly and actively in each meeting,
achieve more than 50% on the four assignments.
Regular participation means that students miss no more than 3 meetings. Active participation means that students are ready to present the solutions to the weekly assignments and to present the main aspects of the scientific paper. Students who meet the above requirements will be allowed to participate in the final exam.
Registration: via email until April 7th 2024. The number of participants is restricted to 12.
First meeting: Thursday, April 11, 11:15-12:45, Seminarraum 13.
Exam: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 11:15-12:15, SR 13 (I 274). 5 ECTS will be awarded for passing the exam.
Join Moodle Course: Please sign in on moodle to get access to the course material.
- Globalization
- Comparative advantage: the Ricardian model
- Factor movement: the specific factors model
- International trade theory: the Heckscher-Ohlin model
- International factor movements: the standard trade model
- Instruments of trade policy
- Monopolistic competition
- Intra-industry trade