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University Professor of Economics, in particular Institutional Economics in Environmental Studies

Research Interests

  • Environmental and energy economics
  • New institutional economics
  • Public finance


Publicly appointed and sworn expert witness


Curriculum Vitae

Since 2008 Professor of Economics, in particular institutional economic environmental research at Leipzig University and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Department of Economics
2004 Habilitation at Faculty of Economics at Augsburg University in economics on the topic "Ecological tax and contribution system”
Since 2002

Publicly certified expert in cost accounting of public and social economy enterprises

2002-2003: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Berlin;
since 2003: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Frankfurt am Main

2004 - 2008 Vice Dean and Head of Examination Office, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main
2001 - 2008 Professor of Economics, University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, Faculty of Business and Law
2000 - 2001 Member of the Scientific Staff of the enquête commission "Sustainable Energy Supply" of the 14th German Bundestag, Berlin
1999 - 2000 Research fellow, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn
1998 - 1999 Research Fellow at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, Research Group "Rational Environmental Policy − Rational Environmental Law"
1998 Scholarship Holder of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn
1995 - 1998 Habilitation Fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
1995 Visiting Professor at the University of Bremen, Faculty of Law, Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG) "Risikoregulierung und Privatrechtssystem" (Risk Regulation and System of Civil Law)
1994 PhD in Economics, University of Cologne, Topic: "Umweltallokation durch Ordnungsrecht" (Environmental allocation through regulatory law)
1990 - 1995 Research Assistant and Project Leader at the Research Institute for Public Finance, University of Cologne
1989 Diploma in Economics (University of Cologne)
1986 - 1989 Student and Graduate Research Assistant at the Institute for Economic and Social Science Statistics, University of Cologne
1986 - 1989 Scholarship Holder of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
1983 - 1988 Study of Economics, Business Administration and Statistics, University of Cologne