Institute of Service and Relationship Management


Welcome to the website of the Institute for Service and Relationship Management (ISRM).

Innovationsmanagement und Innovationsökonomik

New White Paper published

  • The fifth issue, titled Die Potenziale von Startups im Kontext des Klimawandels, features another paper in German and explores the advantages and requirements of Climate Tech Startups. It highlights their role as catalysts for innovation in mitigating the effects of climate change. At the same…

Professur Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!

The team at the Chair of Business Administration and Marketing wishes you a Merry Christmas and a successful start to the New Year!

Institut für Service und Relationship

Successful Doctoral Defense by Dr. Grimm

We warmly congratulate Yolna Grimm on his successful defense today!

Professur Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing

Marketing Club Leipzig event on influencer marketing on October 17

In the lecture series of the Marketing Club Leipzig, Prof. Marchand will give an interactive lecture on influencer marketing followed by a discussion, a networking event and a guided tour through the Bibliotheca Albertina.


The Institute for Service and Relationship Management unites a total of five professorships. We cordially invite you to get to know the different professorships!


Computergrafik: Vogelperspektive aus dem All auf die Erde, wo ein Teil Europas zu erkennen ist. Darüber liegen weiße Punkte in unterschiedlicher Größe und lockerer Anordnung, die miteinander verbunden sind.

Publications & Projects

Learn more about our research projects, cooperations and the publications published at the Institute.

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