Institute for Infrastructure and Resource Management




Das Direktorium des IIRM stellt sich vor. Foto: IIRM

The Institute is managed...

... by the Directorate, consisting of the appointed professors of the affiliated professorships. Prof. Dr. Thomas Bruckner has been the Executive Director since 2010.

Thomas Bruckner

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bruckner

Prof. Bruckner is Managing Director of the Institute for Infrastructure and Resource Management at the University of Leipzig, holder of the Chair for Energy Management and Sustainability, Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Energy Policy and Energy Economics (DRIEE e.V.) and spokesperson for the research profile line Sustainable Systems and Biodiversity at the University of Leipzig.

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Prof. Dr. Erik Gawel. Foto: IIRM

Prof. Dr. Erik Gawel

Prof. Gawel holds the Chair of Economics, in particular Institutional Environmental Economics, is Deputy Head of the Department of Economics at the Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research GmbH (UFZ) in Leipzig and is a publicly appointed and sworn expert in cost accounting for public and non-profit enterprises by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Frankfurt am Main.

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Juniorprofessor Dr. Martin Hänsel, Foto: Swen Reichold


Jun. Prof. Martin Hänsel holds the Junior Professorship in Nature's Values



Prof. Melanie Krause, Ph.D.

Prof. Krause holds the Chair of Sustainable Real Estate and Urban Development.   

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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Paul Lehmann

Jun.-Prof. Lehmann is holder of the junior professorship for Economics, in particular Environmental and Energy Economics as well as head of the junior research group MultiplEE at the University of Leipzig in cooperation with the Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research GmbH (UFZ).

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Prof. Dr. Martin Quaas. Foto: Quaas

Prof. Dr. Martin Quaas

Prof. Quaas is Professor of Biodiversity Economics and Research Group Leader for Biodiversity Economics at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv).

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Prof. Dr. Daniela Thrän. Foto: IIRM

Prof. Dr. Daniela Thrän

Prof. Thrän holds the professorship for Bioenergy Systems, is head of the Department of Bioenergy at the Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research GmbH (UFZ) in Leipzig, (In cooperation with: German Biomass Research Center non-profit GmbH - DBFZ)

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Contact & Directions

Our facility is located in the centre of Leipzig directly on Augustusplatz, which is between the main railway station and Wilhelm Leuschner Platz. You can reach us easily by public transport, by bike, on foot or even by car.

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Karin Haupt


Grimmaische Straße 12, Room I 435
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 33517
Fax: +49 341 97 - 33538